Friday, April 2, 2021

The Little Blog that Could

B is for:


I chose my little blog because
it is so much a part of me as
anything else. It tells many
As you can tell by the picture 
above I equate my blog to the
Little Engine that Could.
Sometimes it goes really well 
and and then it stops for a bit, 
then takes off again.
Most of you know the story behind 
Dreaming. I started blogging when
Mr. Ken was laid off. Blogging gave
me something to focus on other than
the fact that we were a one income 
family and how long was this going 
to last.
Fast forward to today, I continue to 
blog because I enjoy it and have 
enjoyed meeting everyone that I 
have over the years. Blogging has
changed A LOT since I started other
social media have taken the spotlight
and many don't blog anymore, I miss 
those that have moved on but I
will keep going just like that little

Come by for C.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. I keep chugging on, too, and happily so. I started during the World Financial Crisis and blogging was a way to stay upbeat. Never dreamed all that I would gain via blogging, including good friends.

    1. One never knows do they.
      Finding new friends is THE best.

      M : )

  2. Melinda, I am looking forward to your daily ABCs. The one you did on special education was how I stumbled/found your blog.

    1. Love it!
      Thanks. a little slow going but I'm going
      to get these done.

      Thanks for continuing to come by.

      M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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