Tuesday, December 24, 2019
It's THAT time of Year!!
Well friends, here we are hours away
from Christmas.
Some are also celebrating Hanukkah.
Are you ready for your celebrations?
Even with all we have done this month,
I am actually ahead of the game! Mr.
Ken, well... though he is farther
than normal on this day.
As usual I have some trivia for you:
Over the Summer I pick up a box
with trivia in it and have been waiting
to use it. Here we go. No peeking at the
In the song "A Partridge in a Pear Tree,"
Are the birds Colly or Calling?
Where does the train take the children
in the movie The Polar Express?
North Pole or South Pole
Who said "Catch me if you can?"
What Christmas greenery so some
kiss under?
Whose nose was a button?
Name one of the sisters in the
movie "White Christmas."
In the " Night Before Christmas,"
where were the stockings hung?
North Pole
The Gingerbread Man
Rosemary Clooney
By the chimney
Joke time:
What did Rudolph say about the Big
Book of Noses?
I already red that one.
How many presents can Santa fit in
his bag for naughty children?
What is red, white and blue at Christmas?
A sad candy cane.
What kind of ball does not bounce?
A snowball.
What is a snowman's favorite cereal?
Frosty Flakes.
Where does Santa go after Christmas?
To a HO-HO-HO-tel.
Merry Christmas to you and your families
from Mr. Ken and I.
~Keep on Dreaming!
Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Busy Time of Year
Hello! Is anyone still blogging? :)
Hope so.
I hope your December and holiday season
is going well. It has been a busy, busy
December for us.
Started off the month, visiting our favorite Poinsettia farm. This year they had several
venders scattered amongst the plants, that
was fun!
Got the tree up and lit then it sat for several
Last Friday evening we were able to get it
decorated with our favorite ornaments.
Our "theme" this year is "Then and Now,"
more on this in another post. :)
These beauties were delivered to school
much to my surprise.
Christmas lights are EVERYWHERE in our neighborhoods. This one above is from one
of our fave parks.
We happened upon this one on a drive
through a neighborhood, they have added
more since this picture was taken! Can you imagine??
The BIG tree in the Grand Hall at Union
Station in Kansas City, MO.
Annual photo in front of the tree.
Our good friends gifted us tickets to see
this Broadway production. Mr. Ken
enjoyed it and I am still on the fence.
It was interesting to say the least.
We had our first BIG snowfall today so
while we had breakfast, I ordered a Hot
Chocolate to celebrate the event. Now we
need a snow day tomorrow even though
it is our last week before break. :)
Be back soon.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Start of Something New
Can you believe it is December??
Seems unreal to me. I mean we
JUST had Thanksgiving! Hope
yours was great.
I found both of these on Facebook.
Each had some great ideas, so I am
posting both.
Pick one from each, focus on just
one set or combine things from
each graphic.
I will try to post a couple more times
this week but we have some exciting
things going on here that I will post
about next week, if you follow me
on Facebook, it might be there first.
Plus there have been a couple of
"adventures" that I want to post
Now I am going to say Goodnight,
first day back from break and I am
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, November 29, 2019
End of the Month
Did you do any Christmas shopping
today? I did a wee tiny bit, it was rainy
and dreary here and so we had a slow
Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday,
if you are doing any shopping shop local
and shop small. These businesses depend
on us as shoppers to keep them going.
I like them for their unique selections they
Enjoy the last day of November.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Our Wish for You
Wishing you the best Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your time with family and
friends. Don't eat too much! Ha!
If you are traveling, be safe.
Be back in December.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Holiday Plans
Here we are one day away from feast
What are your plans?
Holiday Traditions?
Do you shop on Black Friday?
We will be going to my brother and
sister-in-law's for the day. All of the
traditional foods will be on the menu.
We will bring the pies of which I will not
be making. Our grocery makes delicious
pies and that is a stress I can do without.
My favorite tradition is watching the
Macy's parade. For me, the Christmas
season doesn't begin until Santa
arrives in the square.
NO, NO, NO I do not go shopping on
Black Friday. At least not a o dark
thirty. We have gone later in the day
when everyone has gone home to
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Thanksgiving Funnies
It's time for some Thanksgiving
Feel free to share with your
guests. : )
Q--Why did the turkey cross the
A--It was Thanksgiving Day and
he wanted people the thinks he
was a chicken.
Q--What is a turkey's favorite
A--Peach Gobbler.
Q--Why did the cranberries turn
A--Because they saw the turkey
Q--Why do Pilgrim's pants always
fall down?
A--Because they wear their belt
buckles on their hats.
Q--What did the turkey say to the
A--Google, Google, Google.
Q--What do you get when you cross
a turkey with a centipede?
A--Drumsticks for everyone.
Q--What should you wear on
Thanksgiving Day?
A--A har-vest.
Q--Why was the turkey the best
drummer in the band?
A--Because he had the drumsticks.
Hope you enjoyed!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, November 25, 2019
An Active Week Ahead
I can't believe Thanksgiving week is
upon us!
Are you ready? We will be at Mr. Ken's
brother's house for THE big day this
This little ditty really spoke to me and
I wanted to share it with you.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, November 18, 2019
A Blast from the Past
How many of us had paper dolls?
I loved them as a little girl and
I still have some today though
I don't play with them. My Mom
subscribed to McCall's
magazine and I couldn't wait for
each month's new magazine.
In this particular installment
Betsy appears with her cousin
Barbara McCall.
Betsy McCall appeared as a paper
doll in May 1951, she was said to
be "five going on six, living in a
white house with a porch and a
yard to play in." In Betsy's debut,
"Nosy" her six month old
Dachshund is seen with her.
So fun!
Do you remember Betsy?
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
I hope this posts finds everyone
Me--home with the creepy crud. :(
Anyway, I saw this posted on Face-
book today and thought it was a fun
take on Gratitude. It seems like it is
brought up in November when we
should think about it all year long.
Let's have some fun. Pick five and
tell us your thoughts.
Mine are:
# 7 I can't pick one but since both
of my parents are no longer here all
the memories that pop in my head
are good to remember.
# 20 My parents, miss them daily.
# 29 Our extended family members
on both sides.
# 27 My cell phone. Glad to have it
in case of an emergency.
# 6 The change of seasons. Living in the
Midwest provides four distinct seasons,
seems like they are shorter at times but
I enjoy each for what they provide.
Your turn.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A New Month
Happy November!
Hope yours has started out well.
Mine began with a birthday. Me :)
Lots of fun at school and home.
I saw this cute chart on Facebook.
I think it is supposed to be geared
toward kids but there are a lot of
things that we as adults can do this
In this month of blessings and
gratitude make someone's day.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Halloween Traditions
Holiday traditions, seems like each
holiday has them. Families have them
and they hand them down to their kids
plus they make their own.
When I was a little girl, I loved deciding
what I wanted to be for Halloween. So
much went into picking out THE costume
for that year. I loved the party at school
and getting to take my costume with me
to wear at the party.
Now as a big girl who teaches at a school,
I try to come up with something fun but
easy. This year I will reprise my happy
face emoji shirt and add bumble bee
wings and antenna.
Candy, some years we have trick or
treaters and some years we don't have
many. Mr. Ken gets a kick out of seeing
what comes to our door as I do. We aren't
scary like some can be.
Back in the day, we had a house on our
street that was "the must house to go to"
because if you didn't and someone found
out, oh boy. So even if two of us were out
we knew we had to see what Mr. Swenson
was going to do that year.
Parties, we had several when I was little
and I have gone to some as an adult. When
we had them as a child my Dad unbeknownst
to my Mom or I would dress up like a Ghost
and tap on the basement window and scare
the wits out of us. :) Mom did not know that
it was Dad till years after he was gone and
she came across the sheet he used. So funny.
Pumpkins-carving or not? We did at school
with one. I'm not a fan of pumpkin guts.
But have found that cutting it open on the
bottom works oh soooooo much better
that cutting the top off.
We have pumpkins on the porch and I
spray them with clear coat so the squirrels
don't eat them!
What kind of traditions do you have for
Halloween? My friend Leslie, LOVES
Halloween. Check out her blog--
"Dandelion Sprinkles" on my sidebar.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
My Fave
THIS is one of my all time FAVORITE
holiday shows.
"It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"
first aired in 1966. That year it was nom-
innated for and Emmy.
It was the third Peanuts special and
second holiday themed show followed by
"A Charlie Brown Christmas."
It aired on CBS until 2000 and in 2001
ABC began airing it.
It is usually shown twice during the
season, first showing in a half hour and
the second airing is one hour with the
special "Your Not Elected, Charlie Brown."
I usually DVR it so I can watch at my
leisure but I also have it on DVD. I will be
sharing it with my kids at school this year.
Did you watch this as a kid?
Do you still watch it as an adult?
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, October 28, 2019
Halloween Week
Boo! Eek! It is Halloween week!
Love it or hate it?
Candy Corn
We love it in our house.
Did you know that it used to be
called "Chicken Feed?" Do you
know why?
Well I'll tell ya.
Candy Corn was called this at one
time because real corn used to taste
nasty. Before WWI, people did not
eat a lot of corn because it was coarse
and cheap so the fed it to their chickens.
In the 20's a popular candy company
had the image of a chicken scratching
at some candy bits on the box and the
name stuck.
It was invented in the 1880's by George
Renniger who worked for Wunderle
Candy Co then Goelitz Confectionery
Co or as we know it today Jelly Belly,
bought the recipe in 1898 and sold the
candy under the name "Chicken Feed."
In October '15 it was estimated that 35
million tons of the candy would be made
and 15 million tons would be bought
during Halloween Week. Can you
imagine what those totals would be
We have purchased our share this
season. How about you?
~Keep on Dreaming~
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