N is for
Hi, my name is Melinda.
Mel means "Honey" and Linda means
"beautiful" though the article I read
says Melinda means "beautiful honey."
When I was born, this name had not
become a "popular" name and that is
why I was given the name. My Mom and
Dad didn't want me to have name that
every other little girl would have. They
were successful. When I was little, I called
myself "Endy" since I could not pronounce
my name fully.
Records show that the name did not peak
until the late 60's -70's. Various forms of my
name were also created. Melissa, Belinda,
Mindy and Linda. In elementary school,
there was a Belinda and a Mindy in my
classes. Mindy's name was actually Melinda
but she went by Mindy. I have a friend named
Melissa but most of us call her Missy. We have
known each other since Kindergarten,
Now I will say that growing up with a name
not seen much was frustrating at times
especially when I wanted a souvenir with my
name on it. Still today, I don't see my name
much. Which is fine, I guess I'm unique. Ha!
My middle name is Diann. My Dad was
insistent that the spelling was not the typical
spelling so they spelled it this way and no E.
If I remember correctly the name came from
a song.
What's the story behind your name?
O is coming down the path.
~Keep on Dreaming~