Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holiday Fun

Webster's dictionary says that
a Tradition is a way of thinking,
behaving or doing something
that has been used by a group,
family, society etc., for a long

What holiday traditions does
your family have?

A favorite meal?
A specific activity?
Special decorating?
Specific places to go?
A family picture?

Do you have your own
holiday traditions?

Lunch with friends?
Special activities?
Sending cards/letters?

Some of our traditions are:

*Looking at the lights around
the city and our neighbordhood.
*Sending Christmas cards.
*Ken buys me a specific
ornament each year.
*We pick Christmas angels and
buy gifts for them. This year it
is a family at my school.
*When we see a Red Kettle we
always try to put a little some-
thing in it.
*Watch--White Christmas.

Everyone celebrates differently
and that is part of the fun.
Looking forward to hearing
about YOUR holiday traditions.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Christmas traditions are wonderful, and always make warm memories, don't they?!

    We have many traditions. One of our favorite traditions is getting a yearly themed ornament for each member of the family.
    Over the years, the kids have accumulated enough yearly themed ornaments, that they now have enough to decorate their own trees ~~~LOL!

    1. I do this for friend's kids.
      It's a lot of fun!

      M : )

  2. We have so many traditions. My mom, sisters, my kids & I always get together & go from house to house to decorate each other's Christmas trees. We also get together to churn out dozens & dozens of cookies.

    1. Ooooo, that sounds like fun!
      Too bad you aren't closer, you come
      help here.

      M :)

  3. One of my private traditions is to carry lots of dollar bills for those kettles... and hit them going in and out. Keith does it, too.

  4. My old Christmas albums come out every year (I have to dust off my turntable) and I listen to them over and over just like when I was a kid. Last nite we watched Home Alone together for the first time, we both laughed so hard the dog was looking at us strange like!! This will be a new tradition at the Sall house. Much laughter and love to you this Holiday season!

    1. That sounds like great fun! Not too many people have albums or turntables anymore.
      I would have loved to see the dog's expression,
      I'm sure it was priceless!

      Sending love and laughter right back to you and yours.

      M : )

  5. I've got my snowmen out and I'm enjoying the all-Christmas channel on the radio. I like sending cards and thinking of friends all over the world.

    1. Sounds like you are ready for the holiday

      M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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