Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sorting Saturday and Sunday

Today was a sorting kinda day and it will continue tomorrow. My mission today was to sort out some of the piles in the sewing room. The poor room has a tendancy to collect things from other parts of the house, especially when we have company or the holidays. When school ended my bag just landed on the floor and today was the first day I have looked in it. I was able to throw things away or shred them. I'm trying not to accumulate sooooo much paper stuff. No treasures were found but I don't have anymore useless piles on the floor. YEA! Tomorrow's mission if I decide to accept it is to find the WHOLE sitting room. THIS poor room is the smallest room in our house and it has taken a beating this summer. But help is on the way--the Calvary will be on duty tomorrrow! Hopefully by tomorrow night I can see the floor, daybed and any other surface that has stuff deposited on it. Maybe on Monday I will be able to say that I have another guest room that is usuable for people not STUFF! Now, I don't want you take from this post that we are slobs--no, no! We just get busy and things pile up. You know???? Hope everyone is having a delightful weekend! ~Keep on Dreaming~

1 comment:

  1. my house looks like a giant packrat lives here LOl...we really need to declutter


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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