Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Cultural Experience

DOES THIS BELONG AT YOUR LOCAL CONVIENCE STORE? ! I MEAN REALLY!!!! Last night Mr. Ken and I went to what we fondly call our nearest convience store--"The Cultural Center." We call it that because at anytime one is there you can get "some culture." It's a very good place to do some people watching and at any one time you can see all types of styles and dress. So, as we were pulling out of our "Cultural Center", I noticed this man get of of the passener seat -I had to do a double take because he was wearing a BATHROBE! Yes, I said "a BATHROBE." Mind you this was more of a lounge type robe not your flannel model AND he did have bottoms on (just wanted to get that in). I believe he also had slippers on. I wished I had been in the store when he went in, to see the other customers/staff reactions BUT... the reaction of the three people standing outside was enough. They were checking his outfit out too. I realize that we are talking about a convience store here but COM'ON! A BATHROBE! You never know what your going to see when you are out and about but sometimes I wonder if people even bother to look in the mirror before leaving the house. Now if you are one of these people wearing your bathrobe to your local convience store I hope I didn't offend you. :) I can tell you though that the robe is the first one I 've seen at our store! So if you are in a hurry just slap on the robe and take off. But remember you might get some LOOKS! ~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Oh PLEASE slap on your robe, especially if you sleep in your, you know...birthday suit!!

  2. LOL...maybe Hugh Hefner is his role model? he may have his own bunny ranch LOL...I wont tell you of the time i dropped jess off at school and saw a garage sale on my way home...I got out of the car and looked down...yep I was in my bathrobe LOL

  3. Mr. Bathrobe would have fit right in around dark-thirty at the Ponderosa last night. Hubby in lounge shorts me in my Victoria's Secret lounge jams tracking PePe' La Pew armed with guns and bottle rockets. Ya have a great day!!!

  4. Haha, your "cultural center" comment made me laugh. I'm going to start calling everything in Oklahoma a "cultural center", especially the State Fair. Whoa, talk about "cultural" -- that's where they all come out of the woodwork! ;)

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