Monday, August 31, 2009
Summer in Our Backyard
On this last day of August I thought I'd take you on a tour of
our backyard. "Are you coming?"... First we have Ms.
Chipmunk helping herself to breakfast on the deck---
birdseed. She doesn't wait for an invitation. Okay we'll
take the steps to your right and go into the backyard.
Please follow me over to the area by the backstairs to where
we have a repurposed porch swing---now a plant bench.
Mr. Ken put the legs on for me. We'll move across the yard
now...Are you keeping up?
Here we have the "Memorial Bird Garden"--in memory of my
Mom, she loved to watch the birds frolic around. There are
Marigolds planted around the birdbath. Shall we move on?
This area is next to our shed in the back part of our yard.
When we got our new grill several years ago I repurposed
this into a planter--Moss Rose is the occupant this year.
Off we go...
Our last stop is the west side yard--yes, it is HOT on this
side of the house but we won't be here long. Since it IS soo
hot over here we have given up growing ANYTHING
(weeds like the heat). Off to your left as you look at
this picture we have put down red mulch and
GREAT BIG decorative rocks. Going towards
the front of the house you will see this birdbath
and flowerpot that holds birdseed. That's the end
of our tour. We hope you enjoyed a little glimpse
into our backyard. Fall is just around the corner
so enjoy these last days of summer.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Horrors Of Moving
Today was moving day for Ken's youngest brother and
because we love him we agreed to help him move.
All was going well UNTIL we began to unload the truck
at the new place. As you can see I have acquired a injury.
I was unloading the truck as the guys hauled the stuff
up the stairs when I noticed BLOOD. I started looking
all over me to see where it was coming from and then I
noticed that my thumb was oozing blood. I didn't feel
anything when it happened but after I figured out that
it was my thumb it started hurting! I remembered
seeing a roll of paper towels somewhere so I started
rummaging in boxes, found them and wrapped it up.
I worked the rest of the day with my thumb wrapped
and pressure being applied. The thumb FINALLY
stopped bleeding but I kept it wrapped because
even the outside air irritated the cuts and peeled
area of the thumb. Yes, I lost skin in this little
When we got home I washed my hands and my
thumb but I thought I was going to lose it when
the water ran over the thumb. Lots of OUCH,
OUCH, OUCHES going on. Dr. Ken helped
with the bandaging. I've hit it severals times of
course, using the bathroom is NO fun and
eating is an experience. This work week should
prove to be interesting. My kids will be fascinated
with my bandage. All for the love of a brother-in-law!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thoughts on "10"
***Please bear with me :)***
I have been mulling in my head (when I have time) ten.
You see there are two milestones occuring this year
revolving around the number ten.
1) Ken and I will celebrate our ten year anniversary!!
2) At the end of this school year I will celebrate ten
years at school!
As I reflect back over the last ten years many things
have occured in mine and Ken's lives. We've gone on
some wonderful vacations to St. Louis--they have a
beautiful garden there, Minneapolis--we went to the
Mall of America a MUST see place, they also have
beautiful gardens, especially The Sculpture Garden
One year we went up to Omaha--we got to go to
a Omaha Royals game (our farm team), The Omaha
Zoo is really nice-not too small, not too big. We
took a two week adventure to the Southwest via
Colorado-then on to Sante Fe, Albuquerque,
Phoenix, Amarillo and Oklahoma. (2004) One of
the things we did in Albuquerque was take a HOT
AIR BALLOONRIDE at the crack of dawn.! We helped
set up the balloon and then off we went over the city.
The sunrise was BEAUTIFUL!
In 2007 we went the other way--to the
Southeast. Memphis--GRACELAND, Nashville--THE
GRAND OLD OPRY, while in Nashville we drove up
to Kentucky and went to MAMMOTH CAVE PARK,
on the way back to Nashville we stopped at THE
CORVETTE MUSEUM--pretty interesting. From
there we went over to Pigeon Forge and stayed in
a CABIN up in the mountains! I wasn't too sure
about this but after staying in a tiny hotel room
and running into the TV at night this was WAY
better. We went all over Pigeon Forge and THE
I don't ride many rides and we used the money
for a HELICOPTER RIDE--we decided to do this
since we took the balloon ride in the southeast.
Very cool ride-not much into flying but this was
too much to pass up! We continued this trip
in Asheville, North Carolina We spent one glorious
day at THE BILTMORE ESTATE!!! What a grand
house and talk about BEAUTIFUL gardens, they've
got them there! If you haven't been there you must
go it is fabulous. Most of our recent trips have been
here in the city--those long trips take it out of us!
As you see we have traveled a lot, we've reconnected
with people we haven't seen for a while, we've worked
on the house. As we were planning our wedding and
moving me over from the Missouri side Mr. Ken gets a
bee in his bonnet that we should paint the house (as if
we didn't have enough to do). Now in Ken's mind it was
ONLY going to take two weeks to prime AND paint the
house! It took two weeks to paint the back of the house!
Needless to say many weekends you could find us paint-
ing clear up to October and yes wedding plans were still
going on for that December.
We've had fun and also our share of sorrow--Ken lost his
Mom three years ago and I lost mine two years ago this
December. We miss these wonderful women--without
them we would not be the people we are today. I also
lost one of the bestest friends I've had ten years ago.
Joy was a character--loved her dearly.
Time ticks on and the years go by so fast--I thought it
would take forever to get to five years, well that time
flew by fast As we were settling into marriage I was
starting a new phase in my career in Education-I went
from Preschool Special Ed. to Elementary Special Ed.
Two different worlds let me tell you! As time has ticked
by the Special Ed world has changed too. We are seeing
more children diagnosed with Autism and more lower
functioning children. We've had children functioning as
low as an infant to almost their chronological age with
mild issues. In these past ten years I can really think
of four students that I was happy to pass on.
One was just down right mean, one had a period on time
when he could be aggressive, one screamed ALL the time
it seemed and one was a "runner"--a lot of door watching
with him. I do love seeing a student come in and watch
them grow over the school year!!
The last ten years can be summed up as:
I live, laugh and love each and every day. Some days are
better that others but we go on. I'm looking forward to
ten more with Ken and ten more after that. He is a
wonderful husband and friend and I wouldn't trade him
for NOTHING! As far as work goes we'll see what happens
at the end of this school year.
I told you I've done some mulling! If you made it through
this THANKS!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Did You Know?????
Four months from today is CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!
The following is from
The Baby Ruth candy bar was named after Grover
Cleveland's daughter.
On May 15, 1950 Coca Cola became the first product
ever to appear on Time Magazine.
Introduced in 1963, the very first Easy Bake Oven
was turquoise and came with a carrying handle
and a fake stove top.
The very first Pizza Hut was built in Wichita, Kansas.
Running for eight seasons, "Bewitched" was the longest
running of the so-called "fantasy" sitcoms in the mid
Catwomen made her first appearance in Batman #1-
Spring 1940.
The world's biggest pumpkin holds the record at 1,385
Beauty and the Beast was the first full length animated
feature to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture.
It did win a Golden Globe for Best Picture.
The game Twister consists of 24 spots of four different
Fish scales are commonly used in the making of lipstick.
It makes it SHINY. :)
I give you this information to file away to use during an
unexpected lull at any of your future parties.
Enjoy! :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Day In The Sun
Yesterday Ken and I spent some quality time outside. We
went downtown and watched from a bridge-The Kansas
City Aviation and Airshow. We joined many families
and couples who came to see the show. I decided that we
would take our lunch so, I packed the insulated picnic bag
and we stopped for sandwiches, chips and sodas. Mr. Ken
drove us downtown and we parked down the hill from the
bridge then made our way up to the bridge and picked a
place to sit and have our picnic while watching the planes.
There were aerobatics-flying straight up.
and straight down.
This plane carried the parachuters.
This picture shows four of the six aircraft civilian
formation aerobatic team. They did formation stunts
sometimes four planes and sometimes all six.
Some of the contrails from the aerobatic team. We also heard
before we saw the US Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon. It flew
over soooo fast that a picture was IMPOSSIBLE!
What a fun time we had sitting in the sun, having a picnic and
watching a lot of talented pilots.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, August 21, 2009
Out For A Drive
Today was another beautiful day and I had a case of cabin
fever due to being home for two days with tummy issues.
I think part of it is allergies too. Sooooo Mr. Ken took me
out for a drive. We ended up at Shawnee Mission Park
here is town. As you can see the water was a lovely
Here we have two people taking advantage of the weather.
It was windy today so this boat was MOVING!
pondering whether we would see "the deer." You see
these cute little darlings have been in the news lately.
They kinda have made a bit of a nusanse of themselves
to neighboring homes. So now the "Big Idea" is to have
an organized kill to decrease the enormous amount
in the park. I understand the issue BUT there has to be
a better way to control them! Aren't they pretty?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm Thinking.....
I was home sick with a tummy ache today--not the best
way to begin a school year but.... I guess I ate something
that didn't agree with my digestive system. Of course,
NOTHING agrees with it before I had my gall bladder
out AND now that I don't have it! Anyhooo, since I was
home I was able to enjoy today's weather as it evolved
after our storms over the past week. See yesterday's
I went outside with my trusty camera in hand and snapped
some of the beautiful afternoon sky and the clouds that
were flitting by.
These look like they are holding hands and one is saying
"Come on let's run!"
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Rain, Rain Go AWAY!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Simple Summer Supper
We had our evening meal a little later than usual and I
was tired from school so I decided that meatloaf would
have to wait until tomorrow. When trying to figure
out a plan B meal I thought about sandwiches.
One of my favorite sandwiches from childhood is
BOLOGNA AND CHEESE. Those two items
just happened to be in my refrigerator. We also
had fresh vegetables from the garden , leftover
cole slaw, and fruit.
Two sandwiches one with mayo and one with mustard.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Oh! Good Grief!
First I must apologize for the darkness of the picture.
If you look closely you'll see that we had a visitor today.
Not one I really want visiting-Yes, it was the sewer man.
My lovely washing machine decided that it had had
enough of the tree roots in our drain, so it rebelled
INTO THE FAMILY ROOM! It didn't get too far into the
laundry room but it did get some stuff damp that I'd
rather not have damp.
Luckly my best bud Nancy at Acorn Cottage had
the name of a good plumber. Sooo we called them
and out they came to save the day now evening.
Before the guy got here Mr. Ken had to run the wet
vac. twice to pick up all the water that had overflowed!
What a way to spend a Sunday afternoon/evening.
I hope your Sunday was more restful!!!
PS---Found out the water seeped under the wall and
got stuff wet that was on the floor behind the BAR.
I think I need something from a bar RIGHT NOW!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A New Addition To My Collection
Happy Saturday to Everyone!
Today I'd like to share with you my new cookbook!
Now if you were to come to my kitchen or talk with
Mr. Ken you would find that I need a new cookbook
like I need a whole in my head! BUT......
Our school librarian does a Summer Reading program
for the students and staff each summer, she sends home
a chart with all of us that we can keep track of the books,
magazines, newspapers AND cereal boxes that we read
over the summer.
I turned my chart in yesterday and then I got to choose a
book! I looked through all the books on the cart and then I
found this little gem stuck between two BIG books.
This book is titled Blue Ribbon USA-Prizewinning
Recipes From State And County Fairs. Each state is
represented with a prize winning recipe. Each recipe page
gives a little ditty about the prize winner, the recipe and
shows posters from that fair.
The winner of the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia was Sarah
Keyte for Catfish Wraps. Her category was Wild Meat or
Fish. (No date is listed for this contest)
The winner for the Douglas County Fair in Lawerence, Kansas
was a twelve year old young lady-Ashley Lesser. Her Grand
Prize winning recipe was for Strawberry Daisy Bread.
I'm looking forward to checking this little gem out more . I'll
let you know when I try any of the recipes out.
The authors also have two other books one is called Cooking
USA and the other is called Cookout USA they both look
like fun reads.
Here a a few recipe titles from the fair book---
California--Salsa Jam
Colorado--Colorado Potato Cream Pie
Florida--Pecan Fudge Carmel Squares
Louisana--Pickled Okra
Oklahoma--Oklahoma Wagon Wheels
Looks like fun don't you think?
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Cultural Experience
Last night Mr. Ken and I went to what we fondly call
our nearest convience store--"The Cultural Center."
We call it that because at anytime one is there you
can get "some culture." It's a very good place to do
some people watching and at any one time you can
see all types of styles and dress.
So, as we were pulling out of our "Cultural Center",
I noticed this man get of of the passener seat -I had
to do a double take because he was wearing
a BATHROBE! Yes, I said "a BATHROBE."
Mind you this was more of a lounge type robe
not your flannel model AND he did have bottoms
on (just wanted to get that in). I believe he also
had slippers on. I wished I had been in the store
when he went in, to see the other customers/staff
reactions BUT... the reaction of the three people
standing outside was enough. They were checking
his outfit out too.
I realize that we are talking about a convience store
here but COM'ON! A BATHROBE! You never know
what your going to see when you are out and about
but sometimes I wonder if people even bother
to look in the mirror before leaving the house.
Now if you are one of these people wearing your
bathrobe to your local convience store I hope
I didn't offend you. :) I can tell you though that
the robe is the first one I 've seen at our store!
So if you are in a hurry just slap on the robe
and take off. But remember you might get some
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It's that time of the year!
Well, IT IS that time of year. "Back to School" time.
Children and adults all over the country/world are
heading back. Now when I was growing up we didn't go back
until after Labor Day. Nowadays students are heading back
earlier and earlier. So much for a summer break!
I still have problems knowing that I only get two and
half months off-it goes by soooo fast. Too many projects
to get accomplished in that time frame!
This year we will have some of the same students and
a couple of "new" ones from the primary room. It is
always good to see familiar faces and also see those
changes that took place over break. One always hopes
that the "new" ones transition well. When working
with children with Special Needs you never know
what might take place each day. It's like riding
a surfboard-smooth ride or rough ride. We ride
the wave daily hoping for smooth surf.
I hope all of you have a good school year--either
teaching, going to school yourself or sending
your own off to school. Enjoy your year-I hope too.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Somebody had a BIRTHDAY!
That person was Mr. Ken-the "King". As you can see he has
Mr. Ken turned the BIG 4 5 this year! We had a Fiesta party
for him and then we had this delish cake and ice cream.
Our couch has recliners at each end and once she reclines
the chair doesn't like to let her go.
youngest brother took him there for his big day. Before
we left "the saddle" came out. For those of you not
familiar with this restaurant--if they know it's your
birthday this is what happens. Your server yells
throughout the place, everyone turns to look at
you and then the staff start hoopin and hollern.
Ken got to swing a napkin and yell YEE HAA!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, August 9, 2009
TAGGED !!!!!
Good Afternoon Friends--
We have been celebrating a birthday this weekend and
that is why I haven't posted for a bit. (In a later post)
Now on to today's business--as my title says I've been
TAGGED by Georgie at Decisionally Challenged.
At first I was a bit confused by this but after mulling
it over for awhile I THINK I have it down pat now.
Rules of the game----
---Link to the person who tagged you.
---Post the rules on your blog.
---Write six random things about yourself.
---Tag six people at the end of your post and
link to them.
---Let each person know they've been tagged
and leave a comment on their blog.
---Let the blogger know when your post entry
is up on your site.
My Random Quirks---
***I sleep in socks year round! I'm not a barefoot
kind of gal most often.
***I love, love, love potato chips with my toast.
***I DO NOT like liver, turnips, parsnips or what
I like to call "yard waste " salad greens.
***I'm with the rest of you ICE lovers--IT ROCKS
except in milk.
***Mr Ken and I met via my then friend- now sister-
in-law and her husband-Mr. Ken's brother.
***I have a butterfly tattoo on my right shoulder.
It was a birthday present when I turned 45!
~~~Home Is Where the Heart Is
~~~Acorn Cottage
~~~Brainella the Librarian
~~~Cottage Farm Villa
~~~Just A Girl
~~~Raise Your Hand If...
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Wacky Wednesday
Today I have deemed it "Wacky Wednesday" and as you can
see from the above photo you know why! Now I need some
help from all of YOU. Yes, I know it is to eat but we don't
eat this very often. I was the lucky recipient of this from
my brother-in-law. Suggestions on serving this monster!
I would really appreciate it! Enjoy the day. :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hello Everyone~~~
Since I'm in this tiding up mode I decided to do some changing
of the blog. Fonts are bigger, some things may be in a different
location and Blinkies have been added to dress up the page a
bit. I'm a re arranger --I don't like things getting stagnant sooo
occasionally you'll see other changes. Hope you like them.
If you read my blog, would you let me know. I realize
commenting gets hard sometimes but right now I don't
feel as if many people are seeing Country Dreaming.
I appreciate the following of those of you who do read
Country Dreaming. MAYBE I'm just impatient--since this
IS a fairly new blog. Ya think????
Thanks for reading and listening!!!
PS--I have a new music player too. It's pretty! :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sorting Continued
Good Morning---
Just wanted to give you an update on the
sorting mission. I have found two more rooms that
can be used for their purpose! Now, as I said in
Saturday's post the sewing room was in pretty good
shape but the sitting room-- a whole other story.
I think we got confused and thought the daybed was
one big shelf! At least now if need be someone can
sleep on the bed!
So the score was Calvary 2 and piles 0. Yea!
On to the next mission--School starts soon. YUCK!!!
~Keep Dreaming~
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sorting Saturday and Sunday
Today was a sorting kinda day and it will continue tomorrow. My
mission today was to sort out some of the piles in the sewing room.
The poor room has a tendancy to collect things from other parts
of the house, especially when we have company or the holidays.
When school ended my bag just landed on the floor and today
was the first day I have looked in it. I was able to throw things
away or shred them. I'm trying not to accumulate sooooo
much paper stuff. No treasures were found but I don't have
anymore useless piles on the floor. YEA!
Tomorrow's mission if I decide to accept it is to find the
WHOLE sitting room. THIS poor room is the smallest room in
our house and it has taken a beating this summer. But help
is on the way--the Calvary will be on duty tomorrrow!
Hopefully by tomorrow night I can see the floor, daybed and
any other surface that has stuff deposited on it. Maybe on
Monday I will be able to say that I have another guest room
that is usuable for people not STUFF! Now, I don't want you
take from this post that we are slobs--no, no! We just get
busy and things pile up. You know????
Hope everyone is having a delightful weekend!
~Keep on Dreaming~
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