Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We Made It!

Well friends, we made to the end of 
this crazy month. I have no idea what
April will bring but we will keep 
plugging along, no other choice.

Mr. Ken and I are keeping our family
and friends in our prayers, that includes
you my friends.

Wash those hands, Stay home and BE SAFE!

Wishing you a peaceful April.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. That was the longest March ever. I guess the upside of this is that it's slowing down time.

  2. For sure.
    Slowing down is good but at this pace I'll be a sloth by the time we are through this.
    If you are referring to the slowing of the virus, I hope it is slowing. We aren't seeing that right now here.

    Take care!!

    M : )

  3. Happy April, Melinda! Be well, stay safe and be happy!

  4. Thank you!
    Hope your April goes as smooth as possible.

    M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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