Sunday, April 24, 2016


T is for Teacher.

A person who teaches or instructs,

usually in a school setting. BUT
there are many others in our
children's lives who "teach."

So, at school we have :

Lead teachers--

Those responsible for all the fun 
stuff that goes along with being 
the lead.


Those that work as closely with 
the students as the teachers, they 
also assist in the classroom with 
data collection, recess duty, rest-
room assistance and much more.
In our district, they are assigned 
to the Special Ed dept.


They are usually in the general ed 
rooms assisting with the class 
activities, covering a class while 
the teacher is in a meeting and 
sometimes they get cafeteria duty 

Speech, OT, PT, Music and Vision 

These people are more specialized 
and focus on a specific need a
student may have.

Art. Library, Music and PE--

They are another group of specialized
group of teachers.

Classroom volunteers--

Under the guidance of the classroom
staff they assist where needed.

First and foremost are Parents--

Our children's first teacher.

Children don't come with handbooks

so we all do the best we can to provide
for our kids. 
Oh, let's not forget our
They are some of THE BEST teachers
we could have.

If you know another "TEACHER, "

thank them.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Nice A to Z! I've got to really hop to it to finish this week.

    1. Thanks, I won't lie it has been a little tough at times.

      M : )

  2. It sure takes a village, or an army, to raise children. Loving your A to Z series, Melinda.

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate it.

      You are right too.

      M : )

  3. I took a job as a Para one year. I had the best tan ever but got really tired of doing recess duty. :) Now I am a Para at the Reference desk at the library.
    Joy @ Books and Life

    1. I got a great tan as a Pre-school
      teacher several years ago, when my class had to go to the pool.

      No recess duty now.

      M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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