Saturday, April 16, 2016


N is for Noise.

In the world of a child with special
needs noise is a "NO, NO!!"
LOUD noise in particular (made
by someone or something else.)
They can make as much noise as 
THEY want an it does not appear 
to bother them BUT if someone
else a noise they usually look like
the child in the photo above.

A good majority of our kids are
noise sensitive. You are thinking,
well most people don't like loud
noises either but you have to
understand that we know how
to cope with the everyday 
intrusions in life and they
don't. Another skill for us to 
teach among many.

Some of the things we do
at school to keep noise to 
a minimum.

*Quiet conversations
*Music or video sound
low to medium
*Headphones help a lot
to block out white noise
around them. Helps them
focus better.
*Whisper or lower voice 
when speaking.

If you have someone in your 
life who is sensitive to noise
try one of the above. Hope-
fully it will help.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. I always appreciated a heads up when we had fire drills as it is a necessary noise, but can overstimulate one's noise sensitivities. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Yes, we appreciate the heads up too. Less meltdowns that way.

      Enjoy you weekend too.

      M : )

  2. That's great, a little quiet time is good for everyone, kids included! And we can do with less "noise."

    1. I enjoy "quiet time" when I
      get home from school.
      Yes,to the less noise.

      M : )

  3. I'm a bit more sensitive to noise than the average person. These are great tips.

  4. Some noise bother me more than others.
    It is weird .

    Glad you found them helpful.

  5. All good things to know. My sister works with special ed kids in elementary school. Found out she has really bad arthritis in both thumbs. She said she not sure how she will be able to go on helping these kiddos.

  6. Thanks!
    Sorry to hear about your sister, She might talk with the school Occupational Therapist for some ideas to help her thumbs. Hope she finds something that helps.

    M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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