Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hello~~~ I spent the better part of the afternoon debating which to post--Sunday Savor or our grocery store trip. The store won out. We began our journey in the cafe, intending on having lunch. After we paid and found a table, I looked up and there is this woman and her teenage children going to the deli in their swimsuits! Now I know this is not unsual BUT in my opinion one should have more on than a sleeveless muscle shirt and their suit on at the store. Especially when one is a "bit" on the heavy side and body parts are spilling out the sides of the suit! Shorts would have been great too. On with lunch we went. As we were eating delish salads and fruits, Ken and I decided that since it was so hot today that pretty much NOONE cared what they looked like. Most everyone we saw had some form of swimwear on with bodyparts hanging out. Just wondering----??? Do people not look at themselves in the mirror before going out in public??? I realize also that everyone has days when they just don't care--I have them but it just seemed like EVERYONE had that feeling today. It's just too HOT!!!! Our next adventure at the store involved me. A fellow shopper tried to pick me up--not literally but you know. I was nice but moved quickly over to Ken who was at the meat counter. The guy went on his merry way and we continued to shop. Shopping was accomplished and we went home to take naps! Our trip to the store is usually not as eventful as today, but it sure made things interesting!!! :) :) :) :) ~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Never know what may happen at the grocery store eh? I am so with you on the clothes thing. Seems even when it gets a bit warm... Everything comes off! Glad you had a good weekend!

  2. sometimes you just wonder, don't you ???

    happy to see you at farmhouse kitchen, melinda

    kary and teddy

  3. Interesting trip to the store..wonder what might happen next time...;)

  4. Thank you for your kind words yesterday.
    I agree that people should care what they look like in public. That look is OK poolside, but not in the store.

  5. Woo hoo! Getting hit on in the grocery store. You go girl! (do people even say that anymore? ha!) I say...big coverups are always in fashion!


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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