Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our Morning Trip

For the last couple of days Mr. Ken has had a very sore knee, to the point of needing assistance to walk and get in and out of the car. He hasn't been able to drive either. I stayed home with him Tuesday. This morning the knee wasn't any better sooo I made the executive decision that a trip to the ER was needed. So I called school to let them know what was going on and then we were off to the hospital. Yes folks that is a beautiful hospital issued bracelet on Mr. Ken's arm.
And here he is--- Mr. Ken modeling his new leg brace. It keeps his knee straight and adds support to the whole leg. We came home with crutches, medication and a recommend- ation for a visit to an Orthopedist. Diagnosis- sprained knee--cause unknown?? One of those mysteries of life. Currently being well taken care of by his lovely nurse/wife. Spoiled with a capital S! :) He should make a full recovery. ~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. OH I hope Mr Ken is feeling better soon!

  2. I told him to stop doing carthweels! When is that boy going to listen! He best be better by the time we get over there for the Superbowl shindig! How is he going to jump to victory when his team scores points? Inquiring
    minds need to know!

    Hugs and Bandaids,

  3. Poor Mr Ken!I'm myself not feeling well, stay in bed , have been sleeping all day ...going back to bed...see you later.hugs to you both Catherine

  4. Oh no Melinda!!!! I hope he is feeling better soon. We have knee issues in our house today too. We are actually off the the ER in a few minutes. My son dislocated his knee cap while at at wrestling match last night. He too has a brace and we are anxious to see the result of an x-ray. I told him he almost gave me a heartach. Hope all continues to go well with you :)

  5. Oh wow! Poor Mr. Ken....but I know he will be well taken care of so he better enjoy it! :)


  6. Awwww, feel better Mr. Ken.

    Have a great day and take care of yourself. The 'guys' can be so demanding!

    God bless your day!!!

  7. Hope he feels better soon. Do you have to wear one of those fancy nurses caps? :)


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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