Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day Four of the Twelve Days...

On the fourth day of Christmas--I filled out our new calendars. Not all of these get filled out but three of them do. Everything is is gathered and I'm ready to GO!
I use cute sticky notes to use as reminders for
activities that happen each year but don't
have a specific date yet for those yet.
I also like to out little drawings on specific days.
ie: A snowman for the first day of winter. A
hat for New Year' Eve etc.
Here they are --all filled out and ready to be
hung up in their places. The other calendars
that I didn't fill out will go in other spaces
that are less traveled. I forgot to fill out
my new planner---there's always tomorrow.
~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. OOooh, you doodle too. I had a friend who once said, " don't give her a marker, she'll become the artist within.

    I have also tackled the filling of the calendars. Right now I am doin' my little happy dance 'cause the power is back on! Woohoo!

    Have a great day!!!

  2. Melinda, visiting you at your blog just makes me feel like I'm visiting a neighbor who I want to see all the time. I love it! Best wishes for the new year.

  3. Hi Melinda i'm back! I 'm used to do nearly the same as you do each year! We also make some new plans for the coming year! (like the music) lovely day ! Catherine

  4. Hello Melinda,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment. It is so nice to meet new readers!! I so enjoyed my visit to your blog as well. I smiled when I saw your post about filling in the new calendar. I do the same thing. I too use the Gooseberry patch calendar(the desk version)My very best friend gives it to me every Christmas and I look forward to it each year. It is filled with great recipes. Thanks again for your visit I will be back soon to visit with you. Have a wonderful New Year.

  5. Beautiful calendars! I love calendars and its so hard to choose just a couple for each year. Filling them out to start the new year is fun -- getting the new year off to a nice, clean start.

    Happy New Year, Melinda!


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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