Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friends are the cream in the cupcakes of life

Webster's Dictionary defines a friend as "one attached to another by affection or esteem." My definition of a friend is--someone who is there for you as much as they can be. Mr. Ken and I have been blessed with many friends through out ours lives. As a couple we share some and don't share others. Just because we don't know some as well. Over the past few years both of us have had the opportunity to reconnect with friends that we've lost contact with due to our busy lives. It's very easy to go with the flow and lose contact of people, then one day the phone rings or you get an email and there your friend is. How lucky we are to be able to reconnect with our friends and find out what has been happening in their lives. Ken and I value our friends and enjoy staying in contact with them. Life is too short---take time to to reconnect. Enjoy the cream!!!! :) ~Keep on Dreaming~

1 comment:

  1. So very true...there are some friends I haven't talked to in months...maybe years, and it doesn't take much to reah out, or pop a little card in the mail to let them know you are thinking about them!


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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