Webster's Dictionary defines it as: To find amusement or
pleasure in something.
Mr Ken and I were out running errands today, when something
was said by on of us (can't recall what but is was funny) and we
both started laughing. After I calmed down, I got to thinking
how much fun it is to laugh! Now, I've known this forever but
I think as adults we feel the need to be SERIOUS all the time.
Laughing is good for the soul especially if you laugh soooo
hard you snort! When I do that you know that something is
really, really funny.
Here are some quotes I found regarding laughter:
~~" A laugh is a smile that bursts."
~~" Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine."
~~" Laughter is part of the human survival kit."
~~" Carry laughter with you wherever you go."
~~" Laughter is an instant vacation."
~~" A day without laughter is a day wasted ."
( We use this as our mantra in my classroom--
sometimes you gotta laugh or you'll cry.)
For more laughter and fun visit Georgie at Decisionally Challenged,
she'll crack you up! Find some time this weekend to laugh--
you'll feel better!
~Keep on Dreaming~