Monday, August 31, 2020

School is in Session


It's late and I am getting my last post of the 
month up on the ol' blog.

Today was my first day back at school since 
March March 12th! All week we will be in 
trainings and preparing for students to arrive 
on Sept 8th. Our kids get to come to the building 
since they have an educational plan and they will 
do better than remote learning that the rest of 
the district is doing.

** I love this pic that I saw on Facebook. Dick and
Jane came before I was in school but I know about

Hope your day went well. Time for me to go to bed,
alarm goes off early now.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. You must be glad to finally be back in your classroom. I remember those books. The illustrations bring back memories for sure. Happy September.

    1. Our dept was moved in the midst of all the craziness, so it's been interesting finding rooms and locate rom when we leave it.
      I love the illustrations too.
      Happy September to you.

      M : )

  2. I LOVE that photo!
    Happy, healthy, and productive school year wishes to you!

    1. It is cute.

      Thank you for the sweet wishes.

      M : )

  3. I sure hope you have a good, safe year. Our kids have been back in school since the second week in August. Already, two schools in our area have closed for 14 days due to covid

    1. Wow, it is such a scary time. Darn if we do and darned if we don't.

      Thank you.

      Take care.

      M : )

  4. Melinda, wishing you and your students the best year! Love the Dick and Jane illustration!

    1. Thank you Robin!
      It will be good to see my kids.
      Bit scared truthfully but here
      we go.

      Happy Sunday!

      M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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