Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Wednesday Write Up


It is that time...Garage Sale time.

We have had a storage unit since
my Mom passed in '07 and it is time
to empty it and move on.  A lot of the
stuff is mine but some of is my Mom's
and I have a hard time going through
her stuff. Again it is time.
Our neighborhood has a sale organized
by one of the gals up the street from us.
So we have decided to join this year.
Purging on a large scale is happening
in our house along with the storage
Soooo currently I have spent my break
working on the sale, trying to get the
rest of our stuff back in our room and
working part time (T/TH) at a center
for children with exceptionalities for
three and half hrs each day.
I will have the last week of June off
and Mr. Ken will be home some of
those days. Then in July, I will be off
that last week and we are going out
of town for a couple of days. Once
we get home I will be off till school
starts. By July the sale will be over
and I won't have that to focus on.

As my cousin says (many times)
"How was your day Grasshopper?"

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. It was hard to part with my mom's things at first. It helped to have some of it stored away, and when it was time I was able to let go of a lot. It actually felt good, knowing that I held the most important part of her in my heart. Hugs to you, Melinda.

    1. I know what you mean, I worked a bit today on stuff.
      I think I will take pics of some of it too.
      Just hard to do.


      M : )

  2. Good luck on the purging and the garage sale; it is a hard task. We are still working on it. Thinking of you!

    1. Thanks!
      Working took place today on some of it.

      M : )

  3. That's gotta be tough. Lucky ( or not) for me, (long sad story) the only thing that I have of my moms are the things that she was wearing and the things that she gave to me when she was alive. If I had to sort through her belongings ~ I would have probably kept them all.

    Good luck with your Sale -Grasshopper!!

    1. Thanks!
      Hopefully you have some special things from your mom.

      I worked a bit today on it.

      Sale prep is going on too.

      M : )

  4. You will feel much better after the purging! It isn't a fun thing to do for sure. I worked at an agency for years for children and adults with behavioral and developmental disabilities, this is the first time I've heard "exceptionalities." Great word! Good luck with your sale!

  5. Thanks so much! Slow going but going.
    Yes I think that is the direction the field is going. Focus on what they CAN do NOT what they CAN'T.

    M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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