Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wednesday Write Up


Hello, happy Wednesday!

As you know we are getting ready for
the garage sale of the season!  Hopefully.
Doing so I have been going through A
LOT of stuff.  I have run across many,
many pictures and photos.

My post today is really a question.

What do you do with ALL the pictures/
photos that you have accumulated over
the years? Besides the obvious.

Such as:

Your immediate family
Extended family
Other people and/or their kids
Vacation photos
Misc pics
Silly pics

You get the idea. We have sooooooo many
pictures, I have some in books but with
the digital age now they are on our phones
and on flash drives, which we back up.
I guess I just need to figure what to do with
the BAZILLION loose pics we have. I hate
shredding them but I don't want them
floating around the dump either.
I will be passing some on to family as they
are older pictures of family that are no
longer with us.

It is not a bad thing to have all these
pictures and such because they tell a
story but I don't need  the multiples of
one pose. :)

As the saying goes:

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. This is what I do. I take a box of loose photos and sit in front of the t.v., watching a show that is not too riveting, but interesting enough to sit and listen to. I have a stack of empty envelopes and a garbage can. I go through the pictures one by one, and if I think of someone who might like one, I put their name on the envelope with the photo inside. Any duplicates, blurry pictures, unflattering pictures, pictures of SCENERY, I toss in the garbage. THEN, I shred all the ones in the garbage can. I don't want my pictures blowing around a landfill. And the envelopes, I address, put in a short note, "thought you'd like these," and mail them right away. Keep repeating this process until all the boxes of pictures are gone. :)

    1. Sounds like a great system you have going on.
      It will be a long process for sure but I will get it accomplished.

      Have a great evening and Sunday.

      M : )

  2. Oh my goodness....We have SO MANY pictures and this is always a big issue. I put them on iCloud but then got a notice that I was low on space. Had to buy more space! Yikes!!

    1. I know the feeling. It will
      take time but it will get done

      M : )

  3. I have lot of photos. I have saved them in my computer putting them under specified folders. Some photos got erased by themselves since it got old. Some i have copied to my external device.
    Planning to buy an external hard disc to keep the photos safe:)
    Taking photo is not a problem, but to keep them safe is a big challenging one:)
    I also sit in front of TV to view all the photos as slideshows. By seeing them we used to remember the sweet old memories:)

    1. Yes, keeping them safe is a must. Old memories are good too.

      M : )

  4. What Karen said!! I often wonder what my kids will do with the billion scrapbooks that I put together years ago. : )

    1. I am sure they will enjoy them later.

      Happy weekend!

      M : )

  5. I like Karen's suggestion. I wonder about photos and family history as we don't have children to leave it to.

    1. She did have great ideas.
      I wonder the same thing,
      I figure that at least my
      pictures will leave a footprint
      of us and what we did and enjoyed while here.

      M : )

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks!
      Lots to organize.

      Enjoy your weekend.

      M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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