Happy Wednesday!
Can you believe it is Wednesday
already AND the last week of June!
Where is the time going?
Well this time last week final preps
were going on for our sale, I can tell
you that I am happy we are not doing
that this week. It takes A LOT to put a
sale together.
Our sale was a SUCCESS! We weren't
even open Friday and made a sale. On
Saturday, we went to 1/2 price after
lunch and things flying off the driveway.
We have some stuff to take to charity and
I still am going through Mom's stuff. We
will prevail and find our garage again.
Mr. Ken has the next couple of days off
so some things will get done. (Hopefully)
On Saturday, I am going to a Scrapbook
Fair (no business going) with a friend.
It will be a fun day, will try very, very
hard not to bring anything home. :)
Fun times here in the big state of
Kansas. Oh yea, it is HOTTER than
heck here.
Hope everyone is surviving the summer
~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello and happy Wednesday!
Thanks for all your suggestions
last week in regard to all the
pictures we accumulate over the
Since you all had such great ideas
for that question I have another
one for you.
What do you do with ALL the
greeting cards, thank you cards
etc that you receive?
I have my own thoughts but I
am curious to hear your thoughts.
As you know I am going through
my Mom's stuff and I found a
box with probably every card she
had been given. I think when we
had our fire in '93 the cleaning
company put them in baggies as
they were cleaning our things.
I will admit that I have a problem
throwing them away.
On another note, I am having
lunch with a co-worker. We
will be celebrating her birthday!
The Garage Sale is going done
come Friday. Things are continuing
to be organized, prepped and priced.
What does not sell will be donated.
Please pray that we have no rain
during our sale Friday and Saturday.
Hope everyone is well.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello, happy Wednesday!
As you know we are getting ready for
the garage sale of the season! Hopefully.
Doing so I have been going through A
LOT of stuff. I have run across many,
many pictures and photos.
My post today is really a question.
What do you do with ALL the pictures/
photos that you have accumulated over
the years? Besides the obvious.
Such as:
Your immediate family
Extended family
Other people and/or their kids
Vacation photos
Misc pics
Silly pics
You get the idea. We have sooooooo many
pictures, I have some in books but with
the digital age now they are on our phones
and on flash drives, which we back up.
I guess I just need to figure what to do with
the BAZILLION loose pics we have. I hate
shredding them but I don't want them
floating around the dump either.
I will be passing some on to family as they
are older pictures of family that are no
longer with us.
It is not a bad thing to have all these
pictures and such because they tell a
story but I don't need the multiples of
one pose. :)
As the saying goes:
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
~Keep on Dreaming~
It is that time...Garage Sale time.
We have had a storage unit since
my Mom passed in '07 and it is time
to empty it and move on. A lot of the
stuff is mine but some of is my Mom's
and I have a hard time going through
her stuff. Again it is time.
Our neighborhood has a sale organized
by one of the gals up the street from us.
So we have decided to join this year.
Purging on a large scale is happening
in our house along with the storage
Soooo currently I have spent my break
working on the sale, trying to get the
rest of our stuff back in our room and
working part time (T/TH) at a center
for children with exceptionalities for
three and half hrs each day.
I will have the last week of June off
and Mr. Ken will be home some of
those days. Then in July, I will be off
that last week and we are going out
of town for a couple of days. Once
we get home I will be off till school
starts. By July the sale will be over
and I won't have that to focus on.
As my cousin says (many times)
"How was your day Grasshopper?"
~Keep on Dreaming~
Do you have these?
I don't but I might buy
some to have on hand.
Here are some other
uses for a bobby pin
beside pulling back
Zipper pull lost? Clip a
pin in the eye hole of the
zipper and off you go.
Need to reset a modem or
toy? Use one to access the
small area for resetting the
Need that last bit of toothpaste?
Slide a pin over the end of the
tube, using your thumb and
forefinger squeeze and push up
toward the nozzle to get that last
Lost the end of your duck tape?
Place a pin at the end of the tape
and don't lose the end again.
Chips need a closer?
Pop a pin on the end of your bag
to keep the contents fresh.
Misplaced your straight pins?
Use a bobby pin to hold your
fabric together.
Did you know?
Hairpins are thought be one of
the earliest human artifacts.
Never know when you might
need one, next time you are at
the Dollar Store pick some up.
~Keep on Dreaming~