Monday, August 14, 2017

What to do with...



With summer coming to an end
in the next month or so I thought
we would talk about pool noodles.

Did you know there are other uses
for them besides swimming?

Here are some ideas for you:

1. My favorite--

Stick them in your boots when
you are not wearing them, keeps
the tops from flopping over. Of
course, cut them to fit your boot

2. Use them for a saw cover--

Slice the noodle the length of the
saw blade, then make a slight
incision vertically down the middle.
Gently press the blade into the noodle
to create a protective sleeve.

3. Make a pin cushion--

Velcro a section of the noodle to the
side of your sewing machine. Put your
pins,  needles and safety pins in the
noodle for handy access while you sew.

4. Protect your car doors--

Cut a noodle in half lengthwise and
use double stick tape to attach the
noodle to the your garage wall where
the door hits when you open it.

5. Protect your walls--

Glue strips of a noodle to the backs
of  picture frames before hanging on
wall. Frames should not scuff the
wall now.

Did you know??

One of the original names for pool
noodle was "water woggle."
Pool noodle makes more since to me.

See you Wednesday!

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. I attached pieces of a noodle to the bottom of a plastic crate (aka Darla's paddle board basket). It protects the board from getting banged up when I strap it down - plus, it it over comes loose... it will float. : )

  2. Ever. Not over. Neeeeeed more coffee

  3. I've heard you can use them to make foam wreaths, then decorate. I love using them in my boots.

    1. Have not heard of that idea but makes sense.

      M : )

  4. We cut pieces, pull a stick through the middle and then toss for the dog to retrieve. It helps to keep him from eating bark.

    1. Another great idea.
      I bet your dog appreciates

      M : )

  5. Yes, pool noodle makes more sense! I learn something new every time I come here. Thanks and have a good week!

    1. Well, I am so glad to here that.
      You are vey welcome. Enjoy your evening.

      M : )

  6. Great noodle tips. I need the one for the garage. I am always banging the door on something in the garage. :(

    1. Yes, I like this one too!
      We put Styrofoam pieces up on our garage wall.

      M : )

  7. some nifty uses for noodles. amazing, the things you can do with these things...


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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