Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Party Time

Happy Mardi Gras/ Fat Tuesday 
or Shrove Tuesday to YOU!

Since it IS Tuesday we have 

some trivia for you and I bet 
you can't guess what it is 

If you guessed Mardi Gras you 

are correct--sorry I don't have 
any beads to throw your way.

Mardi Gras is French for "Fat

Tuesday." Some call it "Shrove 
Tuesday," Pancakes are known 
to be served by some on this day.

This day occurs the day before 

Ash Wednesday which begins 
the fasting period of Lent.

It is 46 days before Easter.

Mardi Gras came to New

Orleans through French 
heritage in 1699.

The colors of the day are:

Purple ----Justice


1837 saw the first 

documented procession
for Mardi Gras.

New Orleans sees over 

three dozen parades in
the weeks preceding 
Mardi Gras.

Throwing trinkets started

in the early 1870's.

A popular treat for Mardi

Gras is the "King Cake."
Which is an oval shaped
sweet roll type cake and
comes with a trinket for 
hiding. The one who finds
the trinket is crowned
"King" or "Queen" for
the day.

Approx 750, 000 cakes 

are sold in New Orleans .

Are you celebrating today?

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. I celebrated by having lunch with a friend at an Indian restaurant!! Yummy!


    1. Sounds like a good time.
      It is always fun to have lunch
      with friends.

      M : )

  2. I've always been confused about Mardi Gras. Does it actually END on Fat Tuesday?

  3. Love the Mardis Gras festivities and wish I had a King Cake now. Good post, Melinda!

    1. Thanks so much.
      Yes, those cakes do sound yummy!

      M :)

  4. shoot... it did it again. I wrote this long comment and dang it, it's gone. I wanna go to Mardi gras sooo bad!!! One day. I made a great mardi gras dinner that I'm gonna share on my blog later. including a simple and delicious king cake. : )

    1. I am sure it is quite interesting!

      Oooo can't wait for that post.

      M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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