Monday, November 11, 2013

The Beauty of the Season

When I was a little girl,
my Mom told me a story
each Fall about Jack Frost.

She would drive down a
particular street that
had a long line of trees
on each side. They
seemed to go on forever.

Her story went something
like this:
Each Fall Jack would get
out his paints and paint
brushes and paint all of
the trees. Some of the
trees would get a lot of
paint and some would get
a little bit at a time.

The time we spent driving
and looking at the trees was
so much fun. Mom was a story
teller. I don't remember if the
story changed from year to year
and it doesn't really matter
because it was our tradition.
I will tell you that Jack made
return later when the trees
were frosty.

The pictures you have looked
at were taken here on our
street, in a couple of parks and
as we were driving around
our neighborhood.

I love the pic above. It was
taken at the park underneath
a tree. I like all the different

These two were taken at
Shawnee Mission Park--
near the lake.

We are losing leaves fast and
furious now. Mr. Ken and I
spent part of the weekend
finding our yard and deck.
This morning it was 60
degrees and mild. By the
time I left school it was
around 40 ish and drizzle
was falling. The forecast

high tomorrow is supposed
to be 35!
Oh boy!
We have had a beautiful
Fall and I am sad to see
the leaves go but I guess
we must move on.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Nice story and beautiful photos! We had our first snow today!!


  2. These are some of the most beautiful fall pix I have ever seen.

    1. We had one of best Fall color displays this
      year. Thanks!

      M : )

  3. What wonderful memories of that time spent with your Mom. We certainly have had a colorful and beautiful fall!

    1. It is of my favorite stories.
      Yes, we have had some real
      pretties to look at.

      M : )

  4. What a beautiful memory you have of your mom!!! Thanks for sharing it with us. And the colors on your street and around town…so pretty. Fall this year has been so gorgeous…especially after no Fall colors last year b/co the severe draught. Truly makes one appreciate rain!!!

    1. I do love this story!
      The moisture we had during the
      Summer and Fall did help a lot.
      We have so enjoyed the colors.

      M : )

  5. Wonderful memories and the trees are gorgeous! We are having a prettier fall down here this year than we've had for awhile. I've really enjoyed it! Twyla

    1. Thanks! I think a lot of people really
      enjoyed the tree color this season.

      M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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