Sunday, May 26, 2013

Time to Remember

Remembering those who fought
for our freedom and those who
fight today to keep us safe.

Also remembering our family
and friends who have gone
before us.

Have a blessed day.

~Keep on Dreaming~

**If you were with me this
time last year, you will
remember this flag display.
It is beautiful! We estimate
that there are OVER 1000
flags in this display!!!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful display. Wishes for a very enjoyable day to you and Ken.

  2. It IS gorgeous, and thanks for showing it to us again. So glad you are on vacation for a while!

  3. Our city does this same thing. there is an area located right in the middle of town and they spend a couple of days lining up approximately 150 big flags. and....they always do the lighting so the flags will be lit at night.
    Beautiful....makes me have chill bumps..

  4. Great display! that many flags and somebody playing Taps, tears me up everytime!

  5. Yes, I remember! So touching.


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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