Thursday, August 11, 2011

A B C's and 1 2 3's

Yes, my friends it is THAT time.
I have to go back TOMORROW!
The students start on Monday for
1/2 day as well as Tuesday. Then
begins our year full force with
full days of "fun."
I have had a wonderful time off,
got a lot accomplished and did
some playing too. One can't work
ALL the time. Summer will have to
continue on the weekends now along
with everything else.
Here's hoping this year will be a little
easier on all of us and that we have
more great days than not so great
We'll get back to regular programming
soon. :)
~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Around here, in the frozen North, kids don't go back to school till right after Labor Day.

    When my kids were little, our district tried bringing them back at the very end of August -- and BOY there was a big stink. Families are still in vacation mode in August around here. On the other hand, school kids are in class till the 3rd week of June or so.

    I guess it all comes out evenly.

    Good luck with the new school year! I get tired just thinking about it, and admire teachers enormously.

  2. Thanks--it is not an easy job believe me. Add in that my kids all have special issues and you have a whole new bag of beans.

    Gald to see you here.
    Have a great weekend!


  3. oh..already back to school...

    have a great year !!!

    kary and teddy

  4. We have one more week before my son goes back. Hope you had a good and productive day today.

  5. I remember going back after Labor Day, but that was nearly a decade ago. Now we all go back so early...August still feels like summer. On the other hand...LOvED getting out in mid-late May!

    Wishing you a most wonderful school year!


  6. Hi there Malinda. Hoping you have a great school year. I like to spend time praying for teachers all across our nation. Teachers have a lot of responsibility and need to know that people are praying for them. Blessings.

  7. Thanks all for the good wishes for my upcoming school year!

    Shug thanks for the pryers we teachers and educators need them!


  8. Oh gosh. It is hard to believe that summer is past already! I hope this is a fun year for you.


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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