Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mother Nature's Fun

We are supposed to be getting more of this tonight, tomorrow, Saturday and possibly Sunday.
Snowflakes are one of nature's most
fragile things, but just look what
they do when they stick together.
~~~~Vera M Kelly
~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. I love how you describe this coming snow storm---Mother Nature's fun. Someone should be having fun with all this snow :) We are going to get about 5-8 inches of snow as well. A good weekend for creating and watching a good movie. Stay safe and warm :)

  2. I think almost EVERYONE is expecting snow this weekend !!!
    We should get from 4 to 12 inches --now what kind of a forecast is THAT???

    It's crazy! I guess we'll have a few more storms before spring. Oh well. Taken individually, I can defeat those snowflakes, but when they gang up on us ... it's murder!

    Hey! I have a swing just like yours! It's going to be covered in snow soon, too.

  3. It's just nasty outside right now. A yucky wintry mix that I'm hopin' will let up just a wild birds are beckoning be at the window and Tiger the Wonder Dog is givin' me bowl is empty look.

    Their sayin' an inch today and another six Sunday into Monday and then another storm is movin' in. If ya have any influence on Mother Nature will you please tell her...ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

    How is Mr. Ken's knee recuperating? Ya'll stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!!!

  4. Yes, the reek havoc when there is too many of them! LOL

    I want my snow to go away.


  5. Have a happy don't-have-to-work weekend! And if you're on the same schedule as we are, only five more school days til February vacation!

  6. So far we have 18 inches of beautiful clumped up snowflakes and we are expecting another 12. YIKES.

    Stay warm!

  7. Hi Melinda!

    I hope you're not snowed in. Keep warm!


  8. I would love to feel a snowflake falling on my face, something that does never happen here in sunny Queensland, Australia!

  9. Melinda!!!

    I'm so glad to finally get back to your blog!!! I have been trying to visit for a few days now and was about to send you an email. I didn't know if it was my blog not connecting to yours or your blog not allowing me to visit, but it sounds like you've worked out the problem.

    Have you had any bizarre Chinese commenters? I have and sounds like I need to delete those comments. I thought that they were innocent enough, but just read on a different blog I follow that it is actually Spam and another blogger I follow got his blog trapped by a similar Chinese blogger that has linked his poor blog to a PORN site! What the heck?!!!

    I've seen several bloggers go to both the code and the necessity behind comment approval and I've just not wanted to go there, but it looks like I might have to! *sigh*.

    Why can't people be nice in this world?!!!

    Hope all is going well. Just did a big grocery shop to avoid going out tonight and tomorrow!

    Take care,


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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