Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Time Passes By

Hello! Hope everyone is well.

My quest to be a bit more organized and
get more decluttering accomplished while
I am on break continues.

Mr. Ken and I are notorious for taking
pictures, LOTS of pictures. Always had
some kind of camera growing up and
nothing has changed as an adult.

When Mr. Ken and I were dating soooo
long ago, film cameras were still the way
to go, then cameras with SD cards arrived
and BOOM we all went digital.

We continue to document everything that
happens in our lives. Most of our phones
have had cameras and we use them. Plus I
have a big Cannon that I got for Christmas
that I use too.

Pictures provide a way to step back in time
to remember past events. Some happy some
sad. Sometimes "oh yea, I remember that."

Over the last to days I went through 107
packets of pictures! Yes, indeed! The
picture above shows a fraction of the
packets I went through. These are 
pictures that begin when Mr. Ken and I 
started dating in '98 and ended with my 
birthday in '07. We still have rolls to 
develop. Need to find out who still does 
that if any do. I bought clear cases
from Michael's that have 16 individual 
cases in each case, I put as many pics in 
each of the cases.
Now our pics are more protected from 
any calamity. NOT that there will be one. 
Glad that project is finished for now, we'll 
see if we can find a developer.

Take care and be safe.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Good for you on organizing your photos!

    1. Been wanting to get them in a more safe type of box/case.
      Has worked out well.


      M : )

  2. What a project!!!!

    YOu should be so proud!!!!

    I don't even want to think about all the really old pictures, I should have labeled, for future generations. -sigh-

    1. Welcome to Dreaming!

      Yes, most of mine are not labeled on back but each case has a tag in front of each group of pics.

      thanks for stopping by, please come by again.

      M : )

  3. What an accomplishment! You will really enjoy going through those pictures now that they're all organized.

  4. As usual, the project took longer than I thought.
    So glad it so finished.

    M : )

  5. That's great Melinda!! We could social distance.. I promise to wear the stupid mask, if you come here and do mine!! Pleeeaaaseee. : )

    Happy 21/22nd year together. My youngest was born in 98 too.

  6. I would love to come see you, NOT to do your pics
    though. ;)

    M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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