Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Well, It is May!



**Long post...bear with me.

I was reminded in a comment on my
last post that May has arrived and I
know that but May for us arrived in
a whirlwind of horrible weather.
Rain (LOT'S of it ), thunder, lighting
and wind.
Woke up on the first to a geyser coming
out of our sump pump and water in our
family room. Mr. Ken stayed home to do
cleanup and I went to school, an hour and
a half later I came home to help. It took a
total of 12 hours to clean up the water
mess and the messes it created.

On the first I was supposed to have a job
interview at a brand new Early Childhood
Center after leaving a message to possibly
move the interview, I received a message
that the interview would not be held because
they could not pay what I wanted and they
would not be providing benefits at this time.
So the Merry month of May did not start off

We had rain the rest of the week and spent
the first weekend of the month finishing 
putting the sump pump back together from
Mr. Ken's temp fix and spreading dirt to fill
in gaps to keep the water away from the
foundation. We also put in a short wall
to redirect water from one of our down-
spouts away from the house. We continued
to have more rain this week, as of this writing,
we are waiting for the next storm. "Oh bother "
as Eeyore would say.

Moving back to the interview...I was bumbed
to say the least but as time has passed and I
have heard some different things in regard
to next year it was probably for the best.
Plus the drive would have been 10-15
minutes added to my current drive.
This has not been a good year and I know
that I have said that before but truly this
has been "THE WORST" of my 19 years at
school. We have 10 1/2 days with kids and
I have one more day after they leave, plus
our department is switching rooms with Kindergarten!
So there are six rooms moving. Lots of
packing going on for sure.

Hoping these last few days of school go a
bit more smoothly than Monday and
Tuesday went, today was a bit better but
still no recess due to the weather.

Thanks for listening, hope everyone's days
are going more smoothly than ours.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. So sorry that things have been crummy for you!
    Water problems are the worst, and I hope that you won't have any further issues.
    Sounds to me as though you will be more than ready for summer break.
    Hang in there :)


    1. Thanks!
      Water issues are improving.
      Summer break is around the corner!

      M : )

  2. What a terrible way to start any month. I can't imagine cleaning up the mess of all that water. Counting down the days with you until the end of the school year. You will welcome the summer break for sure. Hang in there!

    1. Our water issues are improving and summer break is around the corner!

      M : )

  3. The weather has certainly been a bit stressful this year. Hoping it all settles down soon. I know all to well the struggles of those end of the year wows. My girls are both teachers and I worked in the school system as the librarian for a few years. A difficult year can truly make you wish those last few days would hurry up and get over. And then....they worry of what the next year will bring. Prayers for you sweet friend.

    1. Yes, Mother Nature has had a few too many tantrums. Time out may be in her future.:)

      Counting those days till break!

      M : )

  4. Hope the weather has improved in your neck of the woods! I am praying that the remaining days of this year go smoothly for you. Hang in there!

  5. I'm hanging. Looking forward to some time off.

    M : )


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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