Monday, March 26, 2018

A Fun Adventure--Part 1

Today, I am going to share with you an
adventure Mr. Ken and I went on about
month ago. Wow, time flies.
Anyway I took him down to our Union
Station to an exhibit called " The Art of
the Brick."

This was an exhibit by acclaimed artist
Nathan Sawaya.  Mr. Sawaya is based
in New York and creates his sculptures
with a particular toy. His art focuses on
large scale sculptures using LEGO bricks.
He is the first artist to bring the bricks to
the art world.

Sawaya grew up playing with the
same toys we did plus the LEGOS
in Oregon. He moved to New York
to attend college at NYU and become
a lawyer. The legal world was a tough
one and the evenings he used the LEGOS
as a relaxation tool.


He realized that he would rather create
that fight more legal battles so he left
his law career behind and made a move
toward creating LEGO art.
Now he is an author, speaker and one of
the most popular artists of all time and
he does this with LEGOS!

Below you will see many of Sawaya's
sculptures. some have a description and
some don't. I was so enthralled while
going through this exhibit that I had to
remind myself to take pictures, :)
And yes, each sculpture is glued together.


One brick at a time.

This one was on a canvas.
Sorry for the smushed pics,
Blogger is being naughty!




A beautiful illuminated sculpture.


It's reflection on the floor.





These sculptures were life size!








This one was hanging from the ceiling!





I am not any kind of artist where the
bricks are concerned but I think if I
were to focus really hard I might be
able to make this one.

Well, this ends Part 1, on Wednesday I
will share Part 2.

What did you think. Unbelievable huh??

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. Wow! They are quite impressive. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Wait till you see Part 2!!
      He is amazing though.

      M : )

  2. This is amazing! I was sure you were going to show us something special, because you guys go to the neatest places. But, I'm speechless.

    1. Too funny.
      Part two is equally or more amazing!
      It was soo fun.

      M : )

  3. I agree with Karen! Truly amazing. I've seen his work on t.v. but would love to see it in person.



Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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