Welcome to "catch-up day."
Happy first day of Winter!
We had "winter" type temps
here last weekend but they
have warmed up as the week
has progressed.
Christmas Day should be in
the 60's yes friends, I said 60's!
Plus a bit of rain.
Go figure...
I'm not sure we looked like that
exactly but pretty close. We have
truly earned this break and I intend
to take every advantage I can. Still
have some Christmas details to finish
but looking at some R and R in my future
plus visiting with friends and family
while I am off. Mr. Ken will be off several
days too.
These two celebrated their 17th
Anniversary earlier this month!
More about where we were in the
pic above in another "catch-up"

We went to brunch for our Anniversary
and after we finished, our server took
our picture for us.
Also got a chance to talk to Santa. We
had a nice visit. I assured him that I had
been a good girl this year but Mr. Ken
being a good boy was questionable but
Santa felt otherwise. :)
The big event for the month besides
Christmas was an early birthday party
for this young man.
This is Mr. Ken's Dad and his birthday
is right before Christmas, so we had his
party early. Best part was that he had NO
IDEA this party was in the works!!
The birthday boy turns 80 this year and
we decided to surprise him with a Pie
Party. One of the local restaurants has a
party room that we booked, we ordered
several pies and served tea, water and
Coke and Diet Coke to drink. We invited
the family, his friends, and neighbors.
Lots of fun for all and yes he was
Best way to have a party!!
For my staff, I decorated ornaments
with their initials and dots. This picture
only shows a few there were four
more outside of this picture.
On the health front , still have a bit of the
cold and Mr. Ken had picked up a version
of it now. Hopefully by Sunday we will be
over it. I also hope all my students get
healthy over break. Would be nice if all of
us can go back without the sickies hanging
over us.
~Keep on Dreaming~
I love your ornaments that you made!
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Melinda, enjoy your break! You teachers sure deserve to have a good one. Merry Christmas!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, definitely need the R an R. Merry Christmas to you!!
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