Monday, June 8, 2015

Maker Monday


It is Maker Monday.

Today I would like to show 

you my "off the street freebie." 
Back in March, our neighbor's 
(down the street) had this out 
on their curb. I spyed it with 
my little eye so as we were 
leaving later I had Mr. Ken stop 
so I could take a gander at it. Got 
out, took a quick look and started 
hauling it up to our house. Ken 
asked if I needed help--"no just 
follow me in case I do"  I said.
As you can see it is a changing 
table but to me it is a "shelving 
unit, holder of many things."

Initially I thought I would 
paint the whole thing but 
changed my mind. It was it 
in good shape so I just cleaned 
it up.

And painted the shelves. The 
top one is pink and the other
two have dots on them. When 
I get my sewing room in order 
it will go in there.

Mr. Ken will saw one of the bars 

off the top shelf. I want the front 
of the shelf to be open. I bought 
baskets for the bottom shelf --to
hold my junk.

There you have it. Baby changing 

table turned into a shelving unit.
Plus it was FREE!!!

~Keep on Dreaming~


Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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