Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday fun


On a cool day at the end of September


we hopped in the car


and headed East to Oak Grove.
Missouri for our annual Fall
Barn Sale trip.

I love all the Fall decorations.


Look what is peeking out of the
big pot!


Oh, what fun it is to look through
all of the goodies they have.


Their displays are great! All nooks
and crannies have something in
them. I look everywhere just so I
don't miss anything! Plus they
always have cookies! This year
they had hot spiced tea. Mr. Ken
enjoyed that!


This is the view from the driveway as
you go back to your car. Trees had
just started their transformation.


Here is what I bought--minus the salt
and pepper shakers.
A small drawer- put to use on our dining
room table, an oil can and a metal cup.
The oil can has changed it's appearance
and the cup will be added to the metal
Not too much this year but I like what
I got. The oil can will appear in another
post. Stay tuned.

This is the drawer from the front.
It was a cool but beautiful drive,
one we enjoy making in the Fall.

~Keep on Dreaming~


  1. A barn sale sounds like so much fun!

  2. Oh, it is! Check one out if you can.

    M :)

  3. I would love this. When I was visiting my cousin in Rhode Island last week we stopped at a country store in Massachusetts and had a great time looking at all of their fun things.

  4. I would like to know where this is, and how you know when they are holding it!

    1. It is in Oak Grove, Mo. Two cities past Blue Springs, Mo via I-70. But we go out 50 hwy, past Lee's Summit to F hwy north.
      They send me a post card in the Spring and Fall.

      M : )

  5. Oh, that one looks like fun! Can't wait to see what you do with the oil can :)

  6. What fun!! Nice treasures too!! -Tammy

  7. Looks like a great way to spend a Fall day!!



Thanks! Hope you enjoyed today's post. Come back soon.

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