Good Sunday Evening to Everyone!
Here we are on the last day of January.
Where did the month go? Seems like the
New Year just started.
It was a busy month relatively speaking.
Lots of birthday wishes sent, a friend got
married, cars to the shop, locksmith called,
Friday night we started taking down the
Christmas tree, I think this was the longest
we have had the tree up. It was time though.
Yesterday, we finished the tree project, now
get it and the rest of the Christmas stuff in
the closet without locking the door. :)
We are still painting yes . Not much left.
Didn't have it in us this weekend, wanted to
get some other things done.
Our county has designated teachers and school
personnel at high risk especially those of us who
work in Special Ed and work with students that
have difficulty keeping their mask up so I get to
go get my vaccine on Friday! Hopefully we will
get to a point soon when we don't have to wear
our masks 7 hours a day. Makes teaching hard.
But we do it.
Hope you had a productive January and you are
doing well.
~Keep on Dreaming~