Thursday, December 31, 2020

Bye 2020!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to Everyone!

Our wish for you is that 2021 is 

grand and glorious!

~Keep on Dreaming~

* Picture is from Facebook

Thursday, December 24, 2020

That Time Again

From our house to yours!
Mr. Ken and I wish a Merry 
Christmas to you and your 

~Keep on Dreaming~


Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Craftn'

Have you made anything for Christmas 
this  year?
While "thumbing" through Pinterest I 
saw some easy things to make. Now 
to find time to make these.

1. Fill a salt shaker with a bit of
faux snow, put a little bottle brush 
tree down inside, place lid on the
shaker and tie some baker's string 
around the lid.

2. Paint scraps of wood white, put
a face on the front, tie a scarf  
around the middle and you have
a Snowman. Make several.

3. Turn a yard stick into a tree 
by cutting the stick into pieces
and arrange in a tree (triangle 
shape.) Don't forget the trunk.
Glue on the surface of your 
choice or tie the sticks together.

4. Paint flower pots to resemble
Santa, Snowman, Elf -add a jingle 
collar. Fill with candy and give to
family and friends.

5. Turn old corks into trees by 
painting the ends green, glue
into a triangle shape and add
a hanger. Decorate the ends of 
several corks, stack most to 5, 4
3, 2, 1 on top of each other and
glue together. Add a trunk.

There you have it. Happy crafting.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Stories of the Past

Hope everyone is well.

This evening's post is on an exhibit I went to 
Thanksgiving week. Socially distanced of 

Our county Historical Museum put on this exhibit. 
It highlights the museum's quilt collection and the 
stories of the families who made them. All the quilts 
combined patch together the unique history of our 
county. When you think of a quilt, what comes to 
mind? Do you think of why we use them, the story 
behind them, who made the quilt?
When seen as a historical artifact, they are more 
complex. History, emotion, family and friends come 
to mind. Quilts of the past represent special events 
and were gifted then passed down to family and 
friends as they are today. Every quilt tells a story as 
does every family.

Below are some of the quilts in the exhibit. They had 
id tags and stories about each quilt but I did not post 
those pics.


The quilt above was a fave of mine not for the quilt 
itself but for the story behind it. 
Betsy Ingalsbe Thomas made the quilt, She was born 
in Massachusetts in 1788. Her son brought the quilt 
to our county with their family. He and his wife had 
a daughter, Jessie. She was a smart child. As a young 
woman she taught in the county schools. She saved up
her money in order to go 
to a Women's Medical College 
in Chicago. In 1886, she earned her medical degree and 
sat up a medical practice in a neighboring city here. 
Doctors made house calls back then and she traveled 
around the area providing care for  area residents.
In 1905, Dr. Thomas married. In those days women 
gave up their jobs once they married but before she 
married she made her fiance agree that she could 
continue as the community Dr. Go girl!  In the pic 
above the quilt, you can see her Dr. bag.
**you can also read the rest of the story above , 
I have given the highlights. Click on the pic.

This quilt has an interesting story also. Click the 
pic if you are interested.

I love the stories behind old quilts. New ones too. 
Such a fun exhibit to see and for most of the the 
time I was there, no one else came in so I could 
putze around without feeling like I was in the way 
of someone else.

Happy Friday!

Blogger would not let me me changes to this post,
please forgive the jumps.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Friday, December 4, 2020

Twenty-One Years Later


Mr. and I have been married 21 years today!
Last year (thankfully) we renewed our vows
now a year later we spent a quiet evening 
More celebrating will take place over the 
weekend but for tonight we are just hanging 
out and I can't think of a better person to 
hang out with!

Enjoy your weekend and be safe.

~Keep on Dreaming~


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