Sunday, May 31, 2020

End of the Month

Good Morning!

As we come to the close of another 
wild month, I hope you have enjoyed 
the "little things in life."

We continue to hang at home, getting 
projects done or just resting, We aren't 
"resters" by nature so we have had to 
learn a new routine. How about you?

June promises some house projects, 
vacation days for Mr. Ken and time 
spent with family (all together is one 
place) for Father' Day.

We should be in our last "phase" of 
sheltering in place and normal should 
return but I think it will be a new normal 
for most. As things continue to open up 
here, people are still hanging at home, 
restaurants are being supported by 
carryout or curbside pickup, stores are 
seeing more customers returning,
and outdoor spots are very busy.

I hope that June is a smooth month for 
all my friends in blogland!

PS: I think I lost a comment on my last 
post if I did and it was yours, it was an 
accident-sorry. Please re-comment if
you would.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Friday, May 29, 2020

Blooming Beauties

Happy Friday, I hope you are all doing 

Last Sunday Mr. ken and I enjoyed an 
impromptu picnic at one of our local 
parks. As were leaving we stopped at 
the rose garden.
The rose garden has been in the park 
since 1974 and is named in honor of 
Helen S Cuddy, for her "dedication
and beautification through her life-
long service and work with garden 
club projects."

It was also established as a community 
project of the East Central Kansas 
Garden Club.

There is an estimated 500 different 
roses is the garden.

The garden is a very popular place 
for weddings.

There is a fountain, a Gazebo, a sundial, 
peony bushes, plus many shrubs, trees, 
ornamental grasses, bulbs and perennials 
to be seen in the garden.

Our blooming season for roses has been 
slow this year, several cool days. We are 
going to have sunnier and warmer days 
ahead which I'm sure the roses will enjoy.

So many pretty ones to see.

Such delicate creations!

Have a wonderful weekend!

***I think I lost a comment
if it was yours please re-comment.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Memorial Weekend Happenings

On Saturday, I took Mr. Ken on a 
"Mystery Date." We are lucky to have 
this cute little event space in 
neighboring city. The Hostess came up 
with a different way to bring people to 
her home while "social distancing" 
continues. She titled it "A Fresh 
Perspective" and I booked the house 
for two peaceful hours.

Welcome to Vintage House, a unique 
event venue. One can plan all types of 
parties and social events for small groups.
This cute little home is situated in the 
downtown are of the neighboring city.  
The photos below tell their story, so enjoy.

This area above was where we enjoyed 
some  light snacks and flavored water. 
So fun!

A mean card game was played before we 
had our light snacks.

Vintage House truly is a Happy House. 
We enjoyed the two hours spent having 
fun together away from home. Ms. Lauri 
has a beautiful house that she is willing to 
share with anyone wanting a quaint venue 
for their event. This package provided us 
with the opportunity to see the house AND 
get to spend time there.
I think she hit the nail on the head with 
this creative idea. When viewing the 
calendar to book our day, a lot of dates 
were already taken. Several people had their wedding there and came back on their 
anniversaries to celebrate by themselves. 

Hope you enjoyed Vintage House.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Friday, May 15, 2020

Fun Friday

Good Morning! It is a cool, humid 
rainy day here in eastern Kansas. 

If I was at school we would be having 
"Fun Friday" since I'm not we'll have 
here on the good ol' blog.

I saw this BINGO game in one of my 
Country Living Magazines. So when 
you go on your walks, look for these,
mark them off and when you get 
BINGO share with us and what your 
"prize" was.

Your probably thinking, "an apple?"
Well, before I had this one for a snack,
I snapped a pic because I thought is 
was sooooo pretty. I believe it is a Pink

Caught this feller napping on our deck.
The deck we plan to redo when some
of our "opening phases" expire.
Not a squirrel fan but he is kinda cute
all tucked up cozy.

A Facebook find. Some good ideas.

Our neighbor texted me this morning, 
asking if I wanted a Peony blooms that 
broke off in our storm last night.
I said sure and I would put a vase on 
the front porch (social distancing and 
all). When I went to get the vase, much 
to my delight...there was a whole bouquet 
waiting for me!

Watching this one closely for ants!

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend.
Stay safe as your cities and states
slowly open up.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Sunday, May 10, 2020

May is Moving Fast!

Happy Mother's Day to you!

In honor of Mother's everywhere, 
today's post is about Hankies.

Here are some ideas for you.
(beside the obvious)

Gift Wrap--Easy
Envelope small gift boxes with
colorful hankies, knotting the 
opposite corners in the center 
of the box.

Coin Purses--Sewers--Med
Lay a hankie flat one pointed end 
at point up so that it rests in the 
center of the fabric. Pull the left 
and right corners toward the center, 
overlapping them slightly. Tack 
 down sides that overlap the bottom 
triangle using fusible webbing. Sew 
on a small snap to hold the top flap 
closed. Add a decorative  button on 
top, if desired.

Pillow Sham---Sewers--Easy
Attach a hankie to one side of a solid
colored pillowcase, using embroidery
thread and a whipstitch.

Place right sides of two similar hankies
together, sew three side together, turn 
inside out making sure your corners are
poked out. Slip a pillow form inside and
sew the last side closed. If you don't have
a form, Polyfil works too.

Embellished Dish Towel---Sewers--Easy
Cut a three-inch wide strip from a 
patterned hankie and sew on a dish towel.

Table Runner---Easy
Lay a series of hankies (overlapping them
slightly) down the middle of a table.

Embroidery Hoop Hanger---Easy
If you have ones that are "tattered" place 
a good piece in an embroidery hoop. After
securing the hankie cut away the piece you
don't want. Make several and hang on a 

Cut triangles from several hankies, attach 
to ribbon, rope, yarn or place between 
seam binding and stitch one long line from 
one end to the other. Hang on a mantle for
Spring decor.

Do you have hankies? Most of mine
are my Mom's but I have picked up 
many at antique stores years ago.

The ones in the above pic are just a 
few that I have.

Hope you found something here that
piqued your interest.

Our cities and counties are beginning to
"open up" but we are still hanging close
to the homestead for now. Mr. Ken may
be working from home till mid June and
I have two weeks left of this crazy school 

See you during the week.

~Keep on Dreaming~

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