Hello Everyone!
Poppin' in with a quick post.
Hope your Friday has been great!
Mine has. I am proud to say that I
have survived THE FIRST WEEK
OF SCHOOL! What a week it was.
Not the smoothest week I'll say.
Most of you will remember that
back in May, I had a post about
CHANGE. You'll remember that
two of my coworkers retired and
my kids were promoted upstairs.
This left me with questions about
what to do this school year. I am
not good with change. So after
much mulling and tossing ideas
around about what to do, I asked
for a room transfer--this would be
to the Primary Room and I would
have a new (to me) staff and brand
new kids to hang with for nine months.
Our first week was a bit "rocky" the new-
ness of things ie: routine, age group
and having to assist in another room
made it that way. Add to that anxiety
and anticipation. Plus, one staff person
came down with the "creeping crud"
Hopefully Monday will bring some
semblence of order and everyone
can be in their own rooms, routines
can be established and kids can
get more comfortable with their
surroundings. My kids are Kinder-
garten age and very cute. I am
looking forward to getting to know
them better. Special Ed is an
interesting field of Education and
everyday is different. We'll see
what happens! :)
~Keep on Dreaming~