One of traditional candies
that we see at Christmas is
the Candy Cane.
Candy canes started their
beginnings by being pure
white and in stick form.
It was not until the early
20th century that they
appeared with the red
These little yummies are
not only used as holiday
treats but as decorations
too. The use of the candy
canes on trees came to the
US in the 1800's. They
also come in various sizes
and now in different
flavors. Do you put these
on your tree? Ours go
in our stockings.
Many people have given
religious meaning to the
shape of the candy cane.
Some say that it's shape
is like the letter "J" in
Jesus' name. Some say
it represents a shepherds
crook. Similiar to the Good
Shepherd watching over
us like little lambs.
It is a hard candy, solid
like a "rock" the foundation
of the church.
The flavor is peppermint,
which is similiar to another
member of the mint family-
hyssop. In the Old
testament it was used for
purification and sacrifice,
it alos is said to symbolize
the purity of Jesus and
sacrifice he made.
The colors are said to
WHITE--purity of Jesus
and his virgin birth.
BOLD RED--God's love.
The three fine stripes--
From it's plain beginnings
to it's familiar shape and
traditional color, the candy
cane is a symbol of Christmas
and a reminder of the meaning
of the holiday.
Enjoy the taste of Christmas
this season.
~Keep on Dreaming~