Friday, October 31, 2014
It's has arrived, the day of spooks
and goblins.
Are you ready?
For your enjoyment I have some silly
Halloween jokes for you.
What do you call a fat jack-o-lantern?
A plumpkin
Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
Because you can see right through them.
What do ghosts use the clean their hair?
Why don't skeletons go trick-or-treating?
Because they don't have anybody to go with.
and my favorite of all:
How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it!
Happy Halloween my friends!
Enjoy and be safe.
Will be back on Monday with the
weekend fun.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Two in One
Today is National Chocolate Day!
Tomorrow will be National Candy
Corn Day!
In honor of both we have the annual
"150 Calories or Less" post. The yummies
below are listed at 150 calories or less and
can be used as a sub for their larger friends.
5 pieces-136 calories and 6 grams fat
Junior Mints:
2 Snack-Size Boxes-150 calories and
3 grams fat
Blow Pop:
2 Lollipops-120 calories and 0 grams
6 Rolls-150 calories and 0 grams
Plain M&M's:
2 Fun Size Bags (about 35 candies)
140 calories and 6 grams fat
Charleston Chew:
5 pieces-150 calories and 5 grams
Jolly Ranchers:
6 pieces (hard candies)- 140 calories
and 0 grams fat
If the above news wasn't
exciting enough--guess
The Kansas City Royals are
playing in game 7 of the
World Series TONIGHT!
What a fun ans exciting time
it has been for the K C Metro
Everywhere you turn you see
blue. I have worn more blue in
the past several weeks than I can
remember and I have more Royals
clothes too than I had before all of
this fun started.
So if you are watching the game and
you want to root for a team, root for the
Royals! Winning will bring the trophy
back to KC after a 29 year drought!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
This and That
Good afternoon, hope you
are having a SUPER day!
Remember my friend in the pic
above? I got him at the Barn Sale
we went to. Well, for several years
now I have wanted one of these but
they we either too beat up or too
expensive. Much to my delight they
had two at the sale and this one came
home with me!
He has been transformed into a
Jack-O-Lantern. If you have
been blogging for awhile, they
were quite the thing. I first saw
this on House of Hawthornes
blog by Pam (see sidebar for her
blog) and it has taken me this long
to find one that I liked.
I used Acrylic paint and a foam brush.
Starting at the top of a section, brushing
down, go back up and back down. I did
this all away around the base of the can,
using five to six coats to get the look I
wanted. I did not paint anything else
because I thought it look stemy (new
word) enough.
Mr. J has joined the wooden candy corn
from the Spinach Fest and I brought
another "J" home after craft saling over
the weekend. This is knitted or crochet
to fit around a babyfood jar, these ladies
were so creative and they threw in some
candy corn too!
Here is another Fall idea. I found this
on my Gooseberry calendar.
"Frost is on the pumpkins"---
Spray a pumpkin lightly with spray
adhesive and sprinkle with clear
glitter. Set on a cake stand for a
centerpiece. Surround the pumpkin
with Fall leave etc.
These would make pretty Thanks-
giving centerpieces.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Saturday fun
On a cool day at the end of September
we hopped in the car
and headed East to Oak Grove.
Missouri for our annual Fall
Barn Sale trip.
I love all the Fall decorations.
Look what is peeking out of the
big pot!
Oh, what fun it is to look through
all of the goodies they have.
Their displays are great! All nooks
and crannies have something in
them. I look everywhere just so I
don't miss anything! Plus they
always have cookies! This year
they had hot spiced tea. Mr. Ken
enjoyed that!
This is the view from the driveway as
you go back to your car. Trees had
just started their transformation.
Here is what I bought--minus the salt
and pepper shakers.
A small drawer- put to use on our dining
room table, an oil can and a metal cup.
The oil can has changed it's appearance
and the cup will be added to the metal
Not too much this year but I like what
I got. The oil can will appear in another
post. Stay tuned.
This is the drawer from the front.
It was a cool but beautiful drive,
one we enjoy making in the Fall.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Baby Gift
Hello Everyone--
Several weeks ago we had a baby
shower at work. Now, I'm not one
to buy the traditional baby goodies,
I like to make or find something
useful but different. So I dug
into the deep reccesses of my brain
and came up with something that
I think is pretty neat!
I made:
Diaper Changing Table Mats-
You know the ones that are in
public restrooms? Well, they
don't look very comfy so I
made baby H three different
mats that her Mom can use for
her to lay on. These would also
work on a bed too.
To make: ( these are guestimations)
I made my pattern out of heavy paper,
14 1/2" wide and 33" long. One yard
of 45" fabric for both sides worked for
me. I used contrasting fabric for the
back and the front. You will also need
12"of ribbon so they can be rolled up
and put away in the diaper bag. Look
closely at the top of the pics and you
can make out the different fabrics and
the ribbon used.
Lay your pattern on your fabric, cut
out, place fabrics right sides together,
tuck your ribbon in the top (I folded
mine in half-*before sewing make sure
that when you turn your mat right side
out that the ribbon's front side shows--
one of mine came out backwards), pin
together and sew. Start on one long side,
go across the top and down the other side.
Turn right side out-iron if need be. Tuck
the bottom end inside and finish up. Ta-Da
you have a diaper changing table mat.
Make one or ten that way the new Mom
will have a clean one when needed.
I was very pleased with the reactions these
got at the shower--everyone really liked
them. :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
29 years later...
Hi Everyone!
We are so excited as I have said,
our Boys in Blue are playing in the
Soooo I guess you know where we
are tonight-no not at the game but
at home cheering them on!!!
Let's go Royals!!!!
Regular programming will resume
tomorrow or Thurday.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, October 18, 2014
T,W and Y is for...
Today we are finishing up the
ABC series.
First up is T
T is for...
Thanksgiving and Turkeys--two
of my favorites.
It is a time for family and friends
to gather and celebrate the things
they are thankful for.
T is for...
Trick or Treaters
Soon these characters will be
knocking on your door. Are
you ready? Do you have your
treats? Me? No not yet.
W is for...
The World Series
I am so excited to say that our
Boys in Blue are in the series
after a 29 year drought! I
CANNOT wait!!!
W is for...
Not really impressed with
the characters that make
And last but not least.
Y is for...
Yellow mums, yellow leaves,
yellow gourds there is a lot
of yellow in the Fall.
I hope that you have enjoyed
The ABC's of Fall. It has
been fun coming up with things
for each month. Some letters did
not have anything to go with
them. As always if you come
up with something, please
share with us.
Coming up: Halloween and
a bit of what we have been
up to lately.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, October 13, 2014
R is for AND S is for...
R is for ...
Raking Leaves
I am sure that this is EVERYONE's
most favorite activity in Fall! When
my Mom was little they could burn
theirs, she loved the smell of burning
leaves. Our fair city will not allow
us to do this so rake, rake, rake is
what we do.
R is for...
Fall is the time of year when
we start thinking about those
comfort foods we love. Fall is
also a time when we cook more
and concentrate on trying new
recipes. Of course, there are the
upcoming holidays to think about
S is for...
The month when Fall arrives.
School begins for most and
days begin to get shorter.
S is for...
We saw this one at our
favorite pumpkin farm.
I liked her because you
don't see many female
scarecrows. She is all
dolled up to greet the
As you see I have skipped Q.
nothing came to the brain for
it. If you think of something,
please share it with us.
Tomorrow will be T.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, October 10, 2014
P is for...
P is for...
Can you guess?
Each year we stop at Faulkner's
Pumpkin Farm on our way back
from the Barn Sale. It is a great
Big ones, little ones.
Tall ones, flat ones.
White ones.
P is for...
Movie popcorn, microwave
popcorn, air popped, and stove
top popped. In addition to these
you can dress up these little
kernels for a party by adding:
Carmel and Chocolate
drizzle with peanut butter
Sprinkle with White Cheddar
Bacon-pop corn is bacon grease
and sprinkle with cooked bacon.
Thanksgiving corn-Pour maple
on maple syrup and add walnuts.
Garlic Parmesean-Use garlic infused
oil and sprinkle with cheese.
Nothing traditional about those!
P is for...
Specifically pumpkin.
Not so much a fan of
this pie but I know it
is a fave and a tradition
at this time of year.
P is for...
We are so excited here in
the Kansas city Metro area
that our boys in blue are in
the playoffs this year!
Game one against Baltimore
Let's Go Royals!!!!!!
Nothing for Q next up will be R
probably on Monday, we have a
busy weekend ahead of us.
~Keep on Dreaming~
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