It's been busy and I am behind. What's new? Anyway, today we will have a belated version of Wednesday Write Up. Starting with the pic above. Several months age I bought the print in the middle, hung it on one of the walls in the family room and there it stayed. I knew I wanted to do something fun with it but wasn't sure until I ran across the two clocks at a garage sale--then I knew what I wanted to do. Before hanging the clocks I set one to "local standard time" (left) and one to "Daylight Saving Time." (right) Now I really love the print.
I have been wanting to change things up in our living for awhile but no inspiration was "ringing my bell" until now--this is the "before" pic and ...
this is the "after" pic. I had picked up some blank letters at Michael's, decided to cover them with paper and now they are above our mirror. Other changes are in the wings.
Mr. Ken took a couple of vacation day last week, so on Friday we did our "day tripping" to Bonner Springs, Kansas.
First up: lunch. We stopped at at a little and I do mean little diner and had the most delish lunch. I had the fries with my burger.
Mr. Ken and the onion rings with his burger. This place is close enough to home that we could hit the road and get a good breakfast sometime. Oh yea!!!
Our trip continued to Moon Marble Company.
Got to see a marble making demo while there. It is hard to see but she put a Chinese dragon on a medium size marble-- go figure. Not in my ability to do this. Very fun to watch.
THEN it was time to find my marbles... they have tons! You can buy tubes of marbles small and medium--your choice of which ones you like. Both of us got at tube of medium size marbles 9 total in a tube. Plus we bought 4 large ones too. They also have games and toys to purchase too. A great place for kids little and big to go on a HOT day.
Here are two of the big kids out in the heat!! Crazy kids!!
In the evening we drove to Weston, Mo for dinner at an Irish Pub. The Weston Brewing Company. Mr. Ken had Bangers and Mash with a roll.
And I had Beer Battered Fish and Chips with homemade sauce. For dessert (can't find the pics) I had Chocolate Pecan Pie OH MY! Mr. Ken had homemade Apple Pie with homemade ice cream. I had a taste of it --yum! I'd say that it was a pretty good vacay day all around!
I had seen on Facebook, Wine bottle Tiki Lights and I wanted to make some. A friend gave me two empty wine bottles and I covered them with twine. They will be weighted down, filled with oil, a wick and lighted for outdoor pleasure of an evening. Still have a couple of things to purchase, but basically I had everything needed.
Remember my deck "buffet"? This is their home when not in use. Once the oil is in the bottles they may "live some- where else for safety purposes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last weekend we went to an Open House at Mr. Ken's brother and fiance's news house. Fun, fun but another HOT day! Tueday I had lunch with a former co-worker we had a nice lunch and got caught up too. Well, I hope I haven't tired you out but we are a busy bunch here. More to come and guess what??? I go back to school soon!!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Monday AND Merry Christmas!!! Today is the official day of Christmas in July. (See I haven't lost it) Today we are going to have a "Christmas in July" party!
First off--An "Ugly Tank Top Contest" Prizes for: Worst design or saying Ugly Color Rips or tears??
Treats and beverages will be:
*Eggnog coladas-serve in Martini glasses (Hopefully you can find Eggnog right now) *Christmas cookies and serve chocolate milk with them instead of hot chocolate. *Make Smores with candy canes in them.
Now showing-- *Christmas movie marathon OR *Sing or play Christmas music OR *Read Christmas stories
We will decorate our tree with a beach theme and top with starfish. Other things that we can do: Turn pool noodles into candy canes. Have a balloon fight instead of a snowball fight. Build Frosty from sand instead of snow. Turn on your twinkle lights too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This idea came from the "Music Choice" channel when they were playing Christmas music. They have a "Did you Know" spot with trivia about the music they are playing. This time they threw in party ideas. This could be a fun Summer party-- might help break up the monotony of the Summer heat. Have fun!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Well, hello from the HOT Midwest. We are under an "Excessive Heat Watch" until Saturday evening. Aaaaaaa ! Really tired of it already. I am feeling under the weather today my allergies and the heat are getting to me.
Hit another garage sale and found several goodies. Two scarves a cute wagon (will use in the fall for decorating), a bell (love it, I put it in the kitchen and ding it off and on) there were two so we went back the next day to see if it was still there--Mr. Ken wanted that one and guess what it was!! I also got a bracelet and a "scarf tail clutch" my term. It is the item with the crystal on it. We went to another sale and I picked up some board and card games.
It was "Christmas in July" at my house Saturday afternoon. the postman left a big box on my doorstep. My blog friend Robin from Virginia was so kind and sent me some goodies for school. Thank you Robin, we will put all of this to good use!
Stickers, craft kits, holiday decor, and Birthday certificates. Fun! Fun! I'll be away till next week, Mr. K will be on vacation and we have some daytripping to do. Stay cool and hydrated friends!! PS: if you missed my recipe for Watermelon Granita just scroll backwards. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Sunday to Everyone! Exciting things happening around here today! I am happy to announce that this little ol' blog, that I have enjoyed so much is celebrating 7 years with being my 1036th post!!! Wow, that is amazing to me. As always I would like to say "THANK YOU" to all of you! I appreciate your love and support!
In keeping with this celebration Sunday Savor has a refreshing recipe for you today. So pull up a chair and relax.
This Summer has had some interesting weather patterns come through the Midwest and we are about to have another hot one come through. AGAIN!!! So I thought since it is HOT, why not something cool and refreshing. Pioneer Woman is providing us with this tasty treat. Watermelon Granita 1/2 a whole seedless watermelon cut into chunks. Rind discarded. (about 8 cups) 2 limes, juiced 1/3 C sugar Place 1/2 of the watermelon, lime juice and sugar in a blender. Process and pour into a separate bowl. Repeat the process and pour into the bowl. Transfer the mixture into a 9 x 13 baking dish. Freeze for 2-3 hours, then begin the process of lightly scraping the top, frozen layer. Return pan to freezer with the shaved ice on top; remove and repeat the process a couple of hours later.Repeat the process until the entire mixture is shaved. Store covered with plastic wrap until serving time. Serve in pretty glasses with a twist of lime. **NOTE: If you use a seeded watermelon, lightly blend first then push through a strainer to remove the seed particles and continue the recipe above. Enjoy!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Wednesday morning to everyone! Well as you can see by the pic above what is on my mind today. We have storm clouds brewing up above. Hopefully it a fast moving storm with NO damage! Here it comes!!! More projects are getting accomplished, I finished one yesterday that just wasn't working for me BUT I found a nice solution and now I can cross that one off my list. Whew!! I have been visiting with friends, lunches, birthday and retirement celebrations plus a couple of pop in visits. Reading , reading, reading. Lots of KC Royals watching in this house. So proud of our ALL STARS last night! Watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel. So fun!! What is up with you?? Hoping this storm goes away soon, DO NOT want any rain in our basement!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
The weekend has arrived!!! Projects abound in our house and I have been working fast and furiously to get a lot of them accomplished before I go back to school in ONE MONTH and THREE days!!! Unbelievable. One project was to finish putting away my garage sale finds AND finish posting about them. Above you can see a cute painted bucket, a Fall towel (brand new with tag still on it) a small three drawer goodie holder and The Joy of A Peanuts Christmas--50 Years of Holiday Comics. The bucket and three drawer holder will go in my sewing room. The best thing about all the sales that I went too was that everything was so reasonably priced.
I also picked up these--they are made of heavy duty cardboard--they are going in my closet to hold my purses. Both were ONLY a buck !!! Bargain, Bargain!! Some of the other things that I didn't take pics of are art goodies for school, a new platter that will be perfect this Fall, kitchen gadgets (brand new), a cute little shelf with three cubbies, and two little signs "FAITH" and "LOVE." My soon to be sister-in-law had a sale last weekend and I came home with two prints for our living room --pics later, a microwave for my class-- another bargain, and a cargo tote for the back of my car, it is from "31." Sales are winding down here I guess, haven't seen any this week. but I am pleased with all of my goodies. Picked up anything good recently?? ~Keep on Dreaming~
Wow! These weeks are going FAST!! This Wednesday finds me playing a lot of "catch up" since we had the holiday. But I have found time to get some Summer reading in. I think I have read about eight or nine books already with more to go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below is some of our holiday decor. The first pic is form last year but I used the same place mats that I made last year.
Of course, this post would NOT be complete with out our city's parade pics!
Mr. Ken is practicing his "model's pose." As usual , we enjoyed our parade, it seemed a bit longer this year which was nice cause last year's seemed short. Who knows? On Saturday we took a small road trip to Clinton, Mo to see Mr. Ken's brother and fiance's new to them house. Great time was had until we got close to home and had to drive the rest of the way home in a raging rain storm. We were very glad to get home that night! On a sad note, over the weekend, I found out that one of my co- worker's husband passed away suddenly--extra prayers for her and her family would be appreciated. Thank you!! Take care, of it is HOT where you are, stay cool and hydrated. Edited: have no clue why this posted twice??? ~Keep on Dreaming~