Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Out with the Old and In with the New!!!!
Happy New Year to YOU
and YOURS!
May the new year bring
good health, happinesss
and peace to you and
those around you!
Be safe and we'll see you
in the NEW YEAR!!!!!
Melinda and Mr. Ken
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Popping in quickly.
As I was refreshing my background
etc, I realized that at the beginning
of this year I had not added THE
WORD for the year to my side-
bar so on the second to the last day
of the year here it is. Better late than
never I say. : )
Now I know this is not earth
shattering news but it is a
reminder to me each time I
blog what I want to focus on.
I will have a new word up soon
but still mulling over that one.
Hope everyone is doing well!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
It's Here!!!
We wish YOU
From: Mr. Ken and Melinda
Enjoy your day with your
family and friends!!!
If you need some trivia for
your holiday gatherings
check out my previous post.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Did You Know?
Good Afternoon,
Well, here we are two days before
the Big Day and we have the last
installment of Christmas Trivia. There
is a little bit of everything today.
For instance:
There are many names for the "gift
bringer" in different countries:
US----Santa Claus
Austria---St. Nick or Christkind
Belgium---Pere Noel
Brazil---Papa Noel
China---Dun Che Lao Ren
France---Pere Noel
Italy---Baba Natale
United Kindom---Father Christmas
Popular toys:
1968---Hot Wheels
1978---Hungry, Hungry Hippos
1980---Rubik's Cube
1985---Care Bears
1990---Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles
2007--Apple i-Touch
What does that say about toys?
Tree Facts:
There are 15,000 growers of Christmas
trees in the US.
Christmas trees are grown in all 50 states
Oregon harvests more trees than any other
There are three trees planted for each
one cut down.
Cities with Christmas names:
Christmas, FL---they maintain a fully
decorated tree year round.
Bethlehem, PA---in known as
"Christmas City."
Now for some questions---
1. When did "How The Grinch Stole
Christmas" debut? (animated version)
a. 1964
b. 1968
c, 1966
d. 1970
2. What holiday was the song
"Jingle Bells" written for?
a. Christmas
b. Thanksgiving
c. New Years Day
3. How many seconds do the Rockettes
have to change their costumes during their
Christmas shows?
a. 50
b. 78
c. 60
4. Which is seen more during the holiday season?
a. Home Alone
b. It's A Wonderful Life
c. A Christmas Story
5. What dow a pickle hidden in a tree signify?
a. Love
b. Prosperity
c. Good Luck
d. None of the above
There you have it Christmas Triva 2014,
I'm glad that you have enjoyed these posts
they have been alot of fun for me.
Today's information came off the Music Choice
channels we have on cable. One never knows
what the will learn form the TV.
Oh, I bet you think I forgot the answers to
the questions. Ha! ha! nope. :)
1. 1968
2. Thanksgiving
3. 78
4. "It's A Wonderful Life"
5. Good Luck
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Quick Gift
Sunday Savor has a Christmas
I made gifts for my classroom
staff, these would be nice for a
hostess gift or gifts for your
Pull up a chair, relax and stay
Choclate Dipped Sugar
Cookies with Peppermint
Any sugar cookie recipe
1/2 bag of milk chocolate
Crushed candy canes
My recipe made two dozen
small to medium cookies.
*Prepare your cookies
*Melt the chocolate (I melted
mine in the microwave--slowly)
*Sprinkle on the candy after
you dip each cookie.
*Place dipped cookies on foil or
wax paper. I left the cookies out
overnight to set up. (cover with
paper towels.
Before placing in the decorated
brown bag, I put each cookie on
a cut square of waxed paper and
then placed the cookies in a
sealed baggie then put the baggie
in the brown bag.
Fold over the top of the bag and
close the bag with a hand written
*Note to self don't start baking at
8:30 the night before you want to
take them to school AND then you
won't have to pack the gift bags at
6:30 the next morning. :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Did You Know?
right up to round three of Christ-
I am so glad that EVERYONE
is having as much fun with this
as I am. I think I stumped a
couple of you last week. Here
we go...
Our focus today is traditions from
other countires.
1. For people who live in the
Canadian praries, the Christmas
season traditionally begins with
a shipment of Japanese ______?
a. Rice Wine
b. Oranges
c, Teas
d. Dolls
2. December 26th, also known as
Boxing Day, is the holy day of
which saint?
a. St. Nicholas
b. St. Stephen
c. St. Francis
d. St. Peter
3. The Mexican tradition of Posado
is a recreation of Mary riding on a
_____ and Joseph looking for a
place to spend the night.
a. camel
b. horse
c. goat
d. donkey
4. Whose paton saint is St.
a. children and scholars
b. merchants and sailors
c. women without doweries
d. all of the above
5. Reveillon is a meal eaten after
______ in France and Canada.
a. Sunday sermon
b. Day of the Dead
c. Midnight Mass
d. Boxing Day
6. In Sweden, the "Tomte"
is a _______?
a. seasonal dessert
b. Christmas Elf
c. Christmas Gnome
d. table centerpiece
1. Oranges
2. St. Stephen
3. Donkey
4. All of the Above
5. Midnight Mass
6. Christmas Gnome
How did you do?
One more round of Christmas
Trivia next Tuesday!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, December 12, 2014
Anniversary fun---Part 2
We begin part 2 at Union Station
our beautiful train station here
in Kansas City.
As you can see by these banners
that this beautiful historic building
turned 100 this year!
The station is still a working train
station with Amtrak running routes
from here. Back in it's heyday the station
was THE place to be!
Today, the station has fine and casual
dining, several shoppes, Science City--
wonderful place for kids, a miniature
train exhibit, and many seasonal pro-
grams and activities.
The downtown post office moved
from across the street to the
station two or three years ago, this
display was outside of the "new"
post office.
We made a new friend while there. :)
According ot the holiday brochure,
this is the largest indoor tree. It sure
was beautiful!
Other trees throughout the station.
So pretty.
Beautiful decorations hightlighting
the large windows and stunning
architecture of the station.
Entrance to Science City.
Loved the snowflakes that were
projected on the walls!!
You must check in with the station
master before boarding the train.
Train rides for the kids. When Mr.
Ken was small he actually rode this
very train when it was in a downtown
department store. The store is long
closed and the train has been refurb-
ished but still brings back fun memories
for him when he sees it.
Some of the things the kids see as
they ride the train round and round.
As you see the big train in the back-
ground actually spouts steam!
The whole back wall was where the
miniture city was set up. If my picure
could extend to the left as you look at
the picture you would see a lovely set
A miniture replica of the station made
from graham crackers! It was so neat.
A little peek into the town. See the blue
tree up by the red and white tent (right)
it really blinked on and off!
These skaters actually were skating!
The GRAND HALL complete with
TH CLOCK. This was the place to
meet at the station after getting
off the train.
Kansas Citians are very proud of this
clock just because of the meaning be-
hind it and all of the years it has hung
there. I believe was also refurbished
when they brought the staion back to
life many, many years ago.
There are those crazy kids again!
We toasted our anniversary here with
delicious steak dinners and pecan
torte for dessert! OH yea--it was
yummy. On to 15 more!!!!
If you missed part 1, see yesterday's
Project update---Four more cards are on
the way to Colorado, New York, Utah and
Indiana. Christmas cards are going out
very soon!!
~Keep on Dreaming~
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