Tomorrow is "LEAP DAY!"
**This occurs every four years
and gives us 366 days in a
Leap Year.
**Leap day has been around for
2000 years.
**Leap day was added
as a correction to the calendar
so that it stays in sync with the
seasons...that way the seasons
start on the same day from year
to year.
**Those with leap year birthdays
usually choose February 28th or
March 1st to celebrate their
birthdays in a non leap year.
**U.S. Presidential elections
and Summer Olympics occur
in leap years.
**Watch the 2010 movie--"Leap
Day" with Amy Adams.
Do you have a Leap year birthday?
Do you know someone that does?
I have a friend whose younger brother
has a leap day birthday--in school
we were so fascinated with this.
Since we have an extra day this year
what will you do for YOURSELF?
Take some time tomorrow and DO
something just for YOU!
Here is a fun website---
Have fun!!!!
~Keep on Dreaming~