Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A Summer Childhood Fave
Friday, July 22, 2011
W, X , Y and Z are for...
On this Friday, I am going to
finish up my A-Z posts and
then take a blog break.
Two weeks left and I still
have many things to
accomplish before I
go back.
Let's get going---
W is for...Water~~
Stay hydrated!
X is for...eXtra~~
Be extra careful in
the heat.
Y is for...You~~
Just a reminder for
Z is for..Zippy~~
This is how we will feel
when the HEAT WAVE
Thanks to everyone for
reading these last 26
silly posts. Especially the
anniversary post! Such
kind words from
This has been fun!
When I return, Dreaming
will go back to regular
scheduled programming.
Be back soon!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, July 21, 2011
V is for...
V is for...Veggies
From the garden that is.
We have enjoyed :
Onions-Red and White
Leaf Lettuce
Cherry Tomatoes
Jalapeno and Serrano
Corn on the Cob
Potatoes-Yukon gold
and Red
Our neighbor girl has
her own veggie stand and
we buy cucumbers and
tomatoes from her at rock
bottom prices! We also
bought a giant Zucchini
from her.
Our garden is pretty much
finished for now--Ken still
has peppers and the tomatoes
will keep coming. Salsa any-
one? This year's garden was
much more productive than
last year's and Farmer Ken is
a happy boy!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
U is for...

U is for...Unanimous
It's UNANIMOUS we are tired of
the HEAT! I am so ready for Fall!
We are going to have more of this
"delightful" weather into next week.
Please remember to: drink plenty
of water
Stay inside
Keep your pets indoors too
Check on the elderly.
They said on the news tonight-that
the best way to cool down when you
are over heated is to mist yourself.
Keep cool and stay inside if you can.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
T is for...
Monday, July 18, 2011
S is for...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Two Years Old!!!!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Q and R are for...
Q and R are for...
Quiet and Rest.
It is tooo hot for
anything else.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
N is for...
N is for...Name
What does your name mean?
My name Melinda comes from
Latin/Greek meaning Mild
Gentle; sweet like honey.
The typical pronunciation
of Melinda is /me'linda/
In Romania the emphasis
is on the first syllable and
in Hungarian the empahsis
is on the second syllable.
In Hungary--Dec 2nd is
Melinda Day--who knew??
In 2009, Melinda was the
319th most popular name
and was in the top 1% for
that year.
Famous Melindas:
Melinda Gates--Bill gates wife
Film and TV
Melinda Gordon--Jennifer
Love Hewitt character in
Ghost Whisperer
In music
"Melinda" by Tom Petty
and the Heartbreakers
again who knew?
I have always like my name
probably because not many
people were named this.
I did go to school with another
Melinda(Mindy) and a Belinda
But other than those two I don't
know any other Melindas.
When I was very little and just
learning how to say my name
I shortened it to "Endy" because
Melinda is a mouthful for a
little one. I have one friend
who calls me Mel at times.
My parents did good with my
Do you like your name?
***Blogger is on the loose
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
M is for...

M is for... Missouri
Missouri is the 24th state
The state bird is the Bluebird
The state flower is the Hawthorn
The state capitol is Jefferson City
As my profile says: " I am Missouri
born and bred." I grew up in
Independence and continued to
live and work there until I met
Ken. When we got engaged, I
moved over the state line to
Kansas. Oh no. :)
Missouri is located in the Midwest
and some people are still of the
belief that we get around by
horse and wagon. Oh contraire!
The Royals and Chiefs make
Kansas City home and the
Mavericks make Independence
home. (Baseball, Football and
You can find The Country Club
Plaza, The Power and Light
District and Crown Center
in Kansas City, Missouri.
These are wonderful places
shop and dine.
Independence is home to
Harry S Truman, you can find
his home and Library there also,
as well as the Historic Independence
Square. Another place to shop and dine.
On the other side of the state is St.
Louis and the famous Arch.
Check it out.
Some famous Missourians:
Thomas Hart Benton
Calamity Jane
Jesse James
Jean Harlow
Vincent Price
Others who called Missouri home:
Walt Disney
Samuel Clemmens
I have met (through blogging) many
nice people from Missouri and I
am proud to call them my friends!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
L is for ...
L is for...LETTUCE
Wilted that is. We have been
enjoying the lettuce from our
garden. Salads Yum-O.
A couple of years ago
Ken wanted Wilted Lettuce
like he had as a child. Off
to the internet I went. Lucky
for me a Mary Jones posted
just THE recipe.
I will share it with you. Bear
with me if Blogger posts it weird.
**Wilted Lettuce Salad**
~5 slices of bacon
~2 T red wine vinegar
~1 T lemon juice
~1 tsp white sugar
~1/2 tsp ground black pepper
~1 head leaf lettuce-rinsed,
dried and torn into bite size
~6 green onions with tops,
thinly sliced.
1. Cook bacon in a skillet. Cook over
med-high heat until evenly brown.
Remove from skillet, crumble and
set aside.
2. To the bacon drippings, add the
vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and
pepper. Stir over med heat until
3. In a large bowl, combine lettuce
and grren onions. Add the warm
dressing and toss to coat. Sprinkle
with bacon and serve.
Monday, July 11, 2011
K is for...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
J is for...
I is for...
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
G is for...
G is for...Games
We love games!
The game basket lives in
the dining room so we have
easy access to the "portable
games." These are the games
we take with us to festivals,
parks etc.
We have some large board
games in the living room
but the majority of the
games live in the chest of
drawers down in the
family room.
(Both of the Clue games
came from garage sales.
The top one is an anniversary
version, it came in a metal tin.)
Summer is the perfect time to
gather the family for game night!
Have fun.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
F is for...
F is for... FRIENDS
Sonja-a business contact
Missy-friends since Kindergarten.
Laura and I at her wedding--we've
been friends since elementary school.
Top---Nancy (Acorn Cottage)
She is married to a friend
of Ken's and we have become
close friends over the years.
Bottom---Ann (friend and
coworker) for 8 years now.
Valerie--Our first meeting was
lunch and a delightful time we
had. The second time we got
together was at her house.
The husbands got to meet this
time and we got to meet kids.
A great time too.
This is my friend MaryAnn.
You may remember that she
and I met unexpectedly at
a minor league game here
in town.
As always it is great to meet
blog friends.
Friends are a must, whether you
have known them all your life
or you have just met. Some-
times we don't see each other
for awhile but we know that
any time we need each other
Find time to spend with a friend!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
D and E are for...
"Dudettes"--Nancy (Acorn Cottage)
her daughter Nadia and myself.
E is for...ENJOYMENT!
What do you enjoy?
I enjoy:
Summer break
A COLD glass of Ice
Peace and Quiet
But most of all:
I enjoy spending time
my wonderful husband
Mr. Ken!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Boom, Boom, Boom
C is for...
C is for...CANDY
My name is Melinda and I
am a "candyaholic"-Yes, I
admit it. I love, love, love
candy! All kinds.
Milky Way, Snickers,
Hersheys, Skittles, Spice
drops, Starburst, Mike
and Ike--I could go on and
on but you get the idea. Right?
I try to be a good girl with
this "issue" I have BUT
there are days I NEED
CANDY just like Cookie
Monster needs COOKIES!

How about YOU?
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, July 2, 2011
B is for...
B is for...BIRTHDAY!
Today we will be celebrating
this beautiful baby girl's
1st birthday! This is Emily
at approx. 4 months old.
Today she is bigger and
has a whole lot more hair.
More than Grandpa and Uncle
K! :)
This little lady is our Grand-
niece and we just love her
to pieces. Auntie Mel and
Uncle K have been invited
to the party festivities,
I'll be back with more later
from the party.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, July 1, 2011
A is for...
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