It is cloudy here but still very humid! The clouds are a nice change though. Well, I have been a bit of a social butterfly these past several days. I have had breakfast and lunch with a couple of gals that I used to teach with. So much fun to see them! We just jump right in where we left off the last time we saw each other. Of course Facebook helps too.
Last Saturday, Mr. Ken and I to a reunion /get together with former co- workers from the developmental pre- school that I worked at before I met Mr. Ken. Above is my former boss welcoming us to the reunion.
Some of these people I have not seen in 17 years! I see several on Facebook and some I am in contact often. Some people had a bit of a problem recognizing me due to my hair. When I left I had much longer hair--who would have thought? :)
Here we are playing a silly game called Heads or Tails. I lasted two rounds. It was so fun seeing these people and listening to memories and funny stories of when we all worked together over dinner and during the social hour. Working at Sunshine Center was one of my favorite jobs. But I said yes to Mr. Ken and off to Kansas I went. No regrets. :)
When we left the restaurant to come home it was getting ready to storm. We had no idea this was getting ready to happen due to no service in the party room. This was taken about 20 minutes into our drive, we are being pelted with rain and lighting and the wind was horrible!
Driving on the highway at about 10 miles an hour because we can hardly see!
Lighting was coming fast and furious!
Getting closer to home! Whew!! A lot of people lost power from this storm. Some are still out, though the majority of the people we know have power again. What a mess !
These little teeny post it notes have become quite my friend over the last several months. I have used them on our calendar for things that don't necessarily need to be ON the calendar ie: little reminders for a specific day. Put the note on and take it off. My calendar isn't as messy at the end of each month which makes me happy! I will see you NEXT Wednesday, Mr. Ken has some much deserved vacation time coming up so I am going to spend time with him, we have three days of fun scheduled and the other days we'll get some stuff done at home. Take care!
Good Monday Afternoon to you! Today we are going very random with this post. I have a question for you: Where would you rather be today at this exact moment? For me: see the pic above? I'd like to be on one of those lounge chairs reading a book. Though it has been so hot and miserable the last several days, maybe I should say a snowy mountain top. I'm on the downhill slide before school starts so I am making fast like a bunny and trying to finish things I have started and get things organized so I can go back to school without a lot of "I didn't get ________ done" on my mind. See you Wednesday!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello and happy Wednesday! Hope everyone is staying cool. We might hit 100 here later this week!! Uggg. It has been a tough week in my head, lots going on. It has caused me to pretty much stop everything I have been doing to focus on all things flitting through my head. See I finished my 17th year at school this past May--I know, unbelievable! I ran across an ad from a neighboring school that sounded really interesting. But my brain just couldn't wrap itself around a change. So I mulled and mulled this over for days!!!!! After some research and talking to a gal I know, I decided to not try for it. It was a traveling position throughout that district, I wouldn't really have a home base and the small raise in pay wouldn't really cover gas, wear and tear on my car and learning a new job. Mr. Ken and I have been talking about this position for days too and I think he is glad that I have come to a decision that I am happy with. :) I am at peace with this decision and it is a relief to have that monkey off back! I'm still a bit unsure that I really want to go back to school but I probably will. There is so much I would miss if I took another job but there are several things I wouldn't miss too, I realize that it is like that with any job. I just really want to be a millionaire!! :) Soo, I have almost three weeks left to get EVERYTHING accomplished that I wanted to this summer! NOT!! I will try my best to do what I can and the rest will still be waiting for me. Last Friday, I had lunch with a friend. We were finally able to celebrate her birthday. And I got to give her that little wreath and name tag that I made her. Lots of things are in the planning stages, I have a couple of writing projects that I am going to start up--more later and artsy/ craftsy stuff to finish. Plus I am going to do a little work on myself, I'll let you know how that goes since I have a tendency to argue with myself. :) That's about it from here. Thank you again for all your nice comments on my blog- versary. I really enjoyed them. The picture above is a sunset that we had recently. It has been so hot here that the evenings have been a hazy ( goes along with my head issues). See you Monday--Stay cool and hydrated. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Monday Morning!! Today is a big day here at Country Dreaming!! Eight years ago I started my little blog! A friend of mine had suggested that I start one and at that time I was not interested in having a blog but then Mr. Ken got laid off from a job that he had had for 20 years!! Having a blog gave me a distraction from the stress of our situation. It has also given me a new way to make friends. Which I have many. Blogging has changed so much since that first post, but I keep plugging along because now my blog is a way to leave a footprint for those in my family and any who come along down the road. I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you are still hanging with me and those that have come and gone. I have learned so much from you! Thanks again for making these eight years a lot of fun!! See you Wednesday!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
it is making me frustrated!!! Sorry for the rant. Trying to get stuff done before school starts again and we are taking a short trip at the end of the month, I would like to get ahead of the game. Guess I can only do so much. I have been reading and even the books have not been the best. Hope you are having a better time than I am. As my Mom used to say "this to shall pass." See you on Monday! Thanks for listening. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Monday morning to you! Today we are talking ice cube trays... Now I am sure that in your day to day life you have said to yourself Self: "What else can I do with this thing besides make ice?" Well, I am here to answer that question. Freshen your drain-- Fill a tray with white vinegar and citrus peels. Freeze, then grind a cube in the your garbage disposal when the drain starts getting smelly. Mix paint-- Use the tray to keep paint separate for touchups and small craft projects. Tidy your junk drawer-- Gather those tiny items rolling around your drawer. Use the tray sections for things like tacs and paperclips. Keep herbs fresh longer-- Freeze herbs in oil so you have an instant start to sauteing foods. **I would use a different color tray to remind myself that this was an herb tray NOT an ice tray. Make wildflower seed bombs-- Mix two parts potting spoil with five parts pottery clay and one part water. Add local, noninvasive seeds and press the mixture into the sections of the tray. Dry for one to two days and store in a shady place before sowing. Summer always reminds of the times as a kid, we would make Kool-Aid and pour the Kool-Aid into and ice tray, freeze and viola Kool-Aid cubes. One of the best things about summer!! Now I suppose you could make "adult cubes" if you know what I mean. :) Now you know what to do with those darn trays. See you Wednesday!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Wednesday morning to all! I am still busy with projects, I did not post this one last time. Above is BEFORE. Mirror, sconces plus letters. And...
This is AFTER: Gone are the scones (another project) and in their place Fabric Covered Canvas'. I wanted something different there and I am pleased with the results.
I belong to a "group" on Facebook that is a Food Forum. Restaurants in the KC metro area are discussed and we post pics of our food and talk about what we liked and disliked (within reason) about our visit to a particular restaurant. Anyway they had a contest on the forum- Describe your favorite pizza. Crust, sauce and toppings.
Several of our posts were chosen and we all met at a Pizza place in Midtown KC to meet each other, talk pizza and enjoy an All You Can Eat Pizza "buffet." First they brought out appetizers (two pics up) , wings sorry no pics-they went FAST, a variety of pizzas thick and thin crust and different sauces, THEN dessert!! Mr. Ken and I had a ball!
Above and below was the dessert selections. Above: Pizza crust stuffed with Nutella AND chocolate THEN drizzled with MORE chocolate and sprinkled with powered sugar. OH MY!!!
Above: Sopapilla Dessert Pizza. Gone in a flash!! Such fun, yummy food , great time making new friends and a fab new place to eat! If you are in Kansas City check out Artego Pizza.
I made these for a friend's birthday. A door wreath for the 4th--I used and embroidery hoop and some fun flowers for the wreath and her name from Scrabble tiles.
I hope everyone's 4th was fun. Ours was a soggy one--no parade this year.: ( We did have a nice time with friends though at their house. My friends husband was able to get the burgers and brats grilled between rain showers though. We hadn't planned to go to any fireworks displays so I don't know which ones went off. We had some rain come through about the time they were to go off. Hope your day was filled with fun!! Pop back by on Monday!! ~Keep on Dreaming~