Hello Everyone! Hope you had a super weekend. During Spring break I hit the library. As I was browsing the shelves, I ran into a book that I had been wanting to read since it debuted. Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker is the story about Elizabeth Keckley who was born into slavery. When she was older she was able to buy her free- dom and her son's. Skilled with a needle and thread she created stunning dresses and gowns for the elite in Washington City or as we know DC. Through her sewing, she became friends with Mrs. Lincoln and as time went by they became devoted friends. The story line covers many historical events in the Lincoln family and Presidency. If you enjoy Historical Fiction, this is a MUST READ. Ms. Chiaverini has done an awesome job with this story, it is a well researched novel. I found out more about Mary Todd Lincoln than I ever remember from history class. Now I want to find out more about Elizabeth Keckley! Check it out!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Friday Eve! Hope everyone's week has gone well. Recently as I was thumbing through one of the many magazines I get, the Editor was talking about words and how we describe ourselves to others, so she asked her staff "What ONE word best describes you?" She went on to say that several of her staff had a hard time with this. But when it was all said and done everyone came up with ONE word to describe themselves. What ONE word best describes YOU? It took me awhile to come up with one word that I really liked and the word that I feel best describes me is: FEISTY Having spunk, being exuberant, busy, busy, busy. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Morning! On Saturday Mr. Ken and I went downtown to the Greater Kansas City Home Show.
This cute design was created by the Kansas City Water Garden Society. Check out the green bottles. A fun way to use those colored bottles.
A small tribute to the Wizard of Oz. Toto is so cute. Don't look now but his house has landed on the witch!
Aren't they GORGEOUS!!! One of the many displays by local landscaping companies.
Beautiful Tulips. Don't you love the star compass on the back wall?
Now on to the REAL reason for going to the Home Show. Do you watch HGTV? Silly question? One of our favorite shows is Fixer Upper. When I heard the the stars from this show were coming to town I was ECSTATIC !!! Plans were made immediately to go to the show. As you sorta can see from the above picture that oh so many made the same plans. There were so many people waiting to see the stars, there was no way that I could get a crowd shot AND we stood for 2 hours because NO ONE would get out of their chairs that they were in since 10 a m! Here they come!! Chip and Joanna Gaines.
Chip and Joanna are the stars of Fixer Upper--a family choose one of three houses that the duo find and then with the help of the family's suggestions, needs and wants they "fix it up" and we the viewer get to watch it unfold. They do a spectacular job. Both are so knowledgeable in their respective businesses.
It was so refreshing to see that they are the same in person as they are on the show. So down to Earth. They talked to the audience about how they met, built their family (they have four cute kids and many animals on their farm), merged their businesses and developed their show. Chip is a contractor by trade and Joanna built her design business early in their marriage. They own Magnolia Homes-- their renovation company and Magnolia Market a retail store and online company. Plus many other projects including their show. In the words of one from the audience "It was like seeing your favorite Rock band!!!"
Another fun activity at the show was the "Photo Bus," a Kansas City based company that took a vintage VW bus and turned it into a photo booth!! Such a fun idea.
Hop in , take the button, use the props and in no time four pics are taken and you are on your way. A lot of fun! One can rent the bus for any occasion. Wouldn't this be fun at a wedding reception or graduation.
More fun! Big kid, big teepe.
The landscaping companies did a beautiful job with all the displays don't you think?
Today is the first day of SPRING!!!! Yes friends, we made it!!!
Today is: International Day of Happiness. Promoting more positive connect- ions with others and we in blogland do this everyday!!! Woo hoo! Have fun today! Enjoy the first day of Spring and have a great weekend!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
As I was flipping channels this morning I was intrigued--the crew from "The Chew" were messing around with plastic cards. Do you have earbuds? Are they a mess or do you have them neatly tucked away? If they are are driving you nuts, well I have answer for you. Take an OLD gift or store card, draw an "I" on the back.
Cut around the lines.
Punch two holes at the top and one hole at the bottom then cut small slits in the holes. Don't go through the holes though.
Slide your ear pieces in the the top holes and then wind your cord around the base, slipping the end into the bottom hole.
All neat and tidy for your purse or in my case---carrier for my Mp3. Pretty cool huh? ~Keep on Dreaming~
I am jumping for JOY because it is time for SPRING BREAK! Looking forward to being home and doing some resting and relaxing, crafting and that yucky word CLEANING!!!
I am also looking forward to seeing the sun and spending some time outside!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Mr Ken brought this to my attention the other day. (Pic is from his car) Have you ever noticed on your gas gauge that there is a little arrow next to your gas pump icon? I told him "no" that I had not even paid attention to that, but sure enough on my gauge there is an arrow. Do you know what that arrow means? It is pointing to the side of the car that your gas tank is on. I guess the car makers don't want us driving around aimlessly around the pumps trying to figure which side our tank is on. :) Pretty smart huh? On another note--Do you know what the number one song was the day you were born? I am sure you are curious about this right? Go to www.playback.fm and select the month, date and year that you were born and you will have your answer and if that doesn't ring your bell scroll down further and you can see how many minutes ago you were born! "Monster Mash" was the song for the day I was born and I am over 28 million minutes old. Oh my!!! Have fun! ~Keep on Dreaming~
It's time for Sunday Savor. Today I have a recipe with a little heat and kick in it. Great for parties or family events! Chili Nuts 3 C peanuts or almonds 1 T olive oil or cooking oil 2 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp celery salt 1/4 tsp cinnamon (optional) Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a medium bowl mix nuts and oil; stir to coat nuts evenly. In a small bowl mix all the spices together. Sprinkle over the nuts and stir to coat. Spread nuts in a single layer on a 15x 10x 1 inch baking pan. Bake for 15 minutes, stirring twice: let cool. Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks. **Ours did not last a week :) Recipe from a friend--from the Better Homes and Gardens website. ~Keep on Dreaming~
It's Tuesday, so it's time for some Trivia. If "March comes in like a lion, it will leave like a lamb." (An old saying from way back) Did March come in like a lion or a lamb in your neck of the woods? Time changes this month for most of us. Daylight Saving Time begins-- "Spring forward, Fall back." On Saturday don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed. This time change messes me up more than the one in the Fall. Which one do you prefer? St. Patrick's Day is coming up. Make sure you are wearing green on the 17th or you just might get pinched. (another old saying ) Most major cities have some kind of parade. Last BUT not least--especially this year. Spring is on the WAY!!!!!--March 20th. Some of might still have A LOT of snow around still!! Just think: green grass, pretty flowers, warm breezes, lighter clothing and jackets, new babies on the farms and Easter will be on the doorstep early this year!! Hang tight we are almost over Winter!!! Oh, are there any Spring birthdays this month? ~Keep on Dreaming~