Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Happy Face
I decided that I wanted
a new Halloween shirt
for this year. So I looked
on line for orange T-shirts
amd found that Target
had what I wanted. They
had two different oranges,
I chose a more terra cottaish
one than the bright orange
one. I also washed the
shirt first before I did any-
thing to it.
I then looked for a happy
pumpkin face online and
found several at
Decided on the one above.
I made a copy of the one I
chose and then cut the
features out, laid it on the
shirt and using black fabric
paint and a foam brush
"dabbed" the paint on and...
Voila! Here is my happy
face pumpkin shirt.
I put a cloth over the
painted area and used a
warm iron to set the face
into the shirt. Simple and
easy. Now I have a new
shirt for our Halloween
happenings at school!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sunday Afternoon
Last Sunday I went to a
Quilt show held by the
Starlight Quilters Guild
of Johnson County Kansas.
There were over 75 items
on display! Some were
very intricate.
There were small quilts.
This little cutie was
for sale. As were
those surrounding it.
A whole wall to feast
one's eyes on.
Lots and lots of
large size quilts.
The one above was made
by a grandmother for her
grandaughter who loves
ballet. Grandma "borrowed"
the quilt for the show.
There was also a
quilting demo going
on for the Quilts of
Valor. By the end of
the day the guild had
planned to start and
finish a quilt for this
important orgaization.
Quilts of Valor provide
our veterans with healing
and comforting quilts.
Another way of saying
"Thanks, for you service."
There were also small
quilts on display that
would be going to Project
Linus. (Sorry no pics)
Project Linus is a non-
profit organization that
donates handmade
blankets to children in
hospitals, shelters, social
service agencies and any-
where a child needs a big
The Starlight Guild accepts
all styles of blankets-
quilts, tied comforters,
fleece blankets, knitted
and crocheted ones too.
What a great way to spend
a couple of hours!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Fireworks and Chili
Whew, what a busy weekend!
It started out Friday evening
with fireworks. Our fair city
sets off fireworks to celebrate
the opening evening of the
Chili Challenge.
You'll remember that each
year our city has a festival
where everyone can go from
booth to booth and sample
a variety of chili, salsa or
wings. This is where we
spent Saturday afternoon.
The festival mascot with
familiar faces.
There are a TON of booths! If
you lined all of them up, there
are probably two blocks worth
of booths!
This was my favorite booth. It
had a 60's theme as you can
see. Everything was tye-dyed
and their table covering were
record covers. All their team
members were dressed to
match the theme. The sign
below was outside of their
A great way to spend a Fall
Mr. Ken even met a new friend.
Ha! Ha!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, October 18, 2012
A Halloween Project
Early in the summer, we
stopped at a church garage
sale and they were having
a "bag sale." As we were
walking around I saw the
"BOO" glass on the left and
then the clear one.
I liked it so much that I
thought "well, I can make
one of those." So I did!
I used the Apple Barrel
paints in orange, green,
black and yellow. I chose
yellow instead of white
like they did on the
original one. I used the
bottom of a unsharpened
pencil to make the dots.
I used a black paint pen
to write the "BOO" on
the glass. The best things
about this little project
were that I had all the
paint, the paint pen and
I spent little of nothing on
the glasses.
This was a fun project.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, October 15, 2012
Pumpkin Fun
I bought this little delight at the
Dollar Tree. It is one of those
faux ones that you can carve or
Before I started on it, I covered
everything with newspaper. I
stuck a dowel in the bottom and
then used a overturned flowerpot
to stick the other end of the dowel
in. THEN...with reckless abandon
I painted it!
I used this fun stuff! Glitter
Spray--my new best friend.
I want EVERY color.
Some user observations:
Must use outside.
Don't spray on a windy day.
Don't paint in good clothes or
they will get a little blingy.
Here is the final pretty!
Some other fun things to
do with pumpkins:
In the October 2012
Country Living magazine
they showed faux ones
painted, decals and stencils
were used on them.
Mod podge black lace on
them to look like vines or
cob webs---seal with a top
coat of mod podge.
For real pumkins:
Dip them into paint so that
only part of it is painted.
Tape off to make designs on
them--ie: Chevron.
In the October 2012 Family
Spray paint mini or small
pumpkins black and then
carve faces out.
We'll end there with this
pumpkin fun and have some
more tomorrow.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Chocolate Anyone?
image: Google
Today is National Dessert Day!
In honor of this delightful day
I have a super easy pie recipe
for you.
Easy Chocolate Pie
1 box of non cook chocolate
1 Graham Cracker crust or
pie shell
Topping of your choice
Make the pudding according
to the box instructions.
Pour into your crust selection.
Refrigerate until serving.
Add topping before or after
Serve and Enjoy!
Happy Desserting!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Home Sweet Home
1--We are encouraged to have two
ways to exit our homes. Please make s
sure that ALL family members know
both ways out. If necessary, practice
getting out.
2--Keep an emergency kit.
3--When you change your clocks,
check your batteries in your
smoke detectors.
Our city newsletter stated that
"Nationwide, one home structure
fire was reported every 85 seconds
in 2010." A startling statistic if you
ask me.
We are in a season where fires are
prevalant. Candles burning, space
heaters heating and fire places burning.
Use caution when using the above.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Some Thoughts
image: Google
Life isn't about surviving
the storm, it's about dancing
in the rain.
Today is 10-11-12.
What place starts with a p ends
with an e and has millions of
letters in between?
Wait for it...
The Post Office
Have a great Friday!!!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Did You Know?
It's time for some Fall Trivia!
1--There are three zodiac signs
in the Fall. Libra, Scorpio and
2--Indian summer is when heat
waves occur in the late Fall.
3--There are a variety of these
fruits available year round but
Apples are the freshest in the
4--The Harvest Moon is the
full moon that occurs closest
to the Autumnal Equinox.
5--There are four Federal
holidays in the Fall. Columbus
Day, Election Day Veteran's Day
and Thanksgiving.
6--The Baseball World Series is
played each year in October.
Is your favorite team playing for
a spot in the series?
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, October 6, 2012
A Murphy's Law Kind of Day
Today started out to be a great
one but...then it went haywire.
First I better back up and say
that the weather was not on it's
best behavior! It was overcast
and chilly all day, which made
us get moving very slowly. Ken
was the busy one-being all
organized and all. Me I just
stayed under my blanket to
keep warm.
Once we got going, our first
stop was at the bank ATM
which was closed so we had
to go to another one, then off
to get gas at QT--bad driving
by all!!!! For lunch we went
to Popeye's and had to wait
for our food for what seemed
like FOREVER and it was
COLD in the restaurant!
Our main goal for today was
to get haircuts which we did
BUT Ken had the stinky
cigarette stylist and I had the
one with a purple mohawk
PLUS I kept waiting for her
to throw-up on me---OH BOY!
Our next stop was to pick up a
gift card for Ken's brother for
his birthday--got stuck on the
highway in three lanes of backed
up traffic. Ken decided to cut over
two lanes to get on to clover-leaf
which goes around the back side
of our city. We got to the store,
asked for a gift card and proceeded
to blow up their computer system
because we chose to pay by check!
Had to leave because the sytem
would be down for awhile--Oh
brother! Went home and got ready
to go to the brother's house to
celebrate his birthday. BUT, we still
needed the gift card-so off to another
store. Almost had the same problem
from earlier but they had a back up
Off to brother's house AND he is not
home and we are on time. He pulled
in shortly thereafter. Had burned
AND uncooked pizza for dinner, a
trick my brother-in -law had :)
Needless to say I didn't have dinner
because the pizza I would have eaten
was the uncooked one but burned on
top. Good golly Miss Molly!!! Sooo
on the way home from the brother's
house we stopped to get me something
to eat--8:00 pm at night I am having
dinner. Will this night ever end???
I was so happy to be home, put on
warm comfy clothes and eat my dinner.
We also decided to turn on the furnace
so we would be warm to sleep. We have
space heaters but the house was too
chilly for them to get it really warm.
Tomorrow the sun should be out and
it should be a little warmer--hopefully
that will help! I think another problem
for us is that this was the first full day
when it was chilly all day, nothing
like beig thrown right into a weather
change! HOW WAS YOUR DAY??
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Nutty Fall Fun
In the October issue of
Midwest Living, I saw
these cool suggestions
for Fall decorating using
nuts in a shell.
Mixed Nut Wreath-
Turn a wood wreath into
a "harvest wreath" by
gluing nuts around the
edges of the frame then
hang with brown ribbon.
Walnut Photo Holder-
Drill a hole in the top of
a walnut. Pick nuts with a
flatter bottom so it will
stand up. Cut a six-inch
piece of 18-gauge wire.
Wrap one end of the wire
twice around a wide marker,
and pinch the loops together.
Insert the other end into the
nut. Slip a photo or card
between the loops.
Harvest Vases-
Fill cylinder vases with nuts
and wheat. Roll coordinating
scrapbook paper into decorative
cuffs that slip inside the vase.
As the article says "Grab a sack
at the store and go a little nuts."
~Keep on Dreaming~
Midwest Living, I saw
these cool suggestions
for Fall decorating using
nuts in a shell.
Mixed Nut Wreath-
Turn a wood wreath into
a "harvest wreath" by
gluing nuts around the
edges of the frame then
hang with brown ribbon.
Walnut Photo Holder-
Drill a hole in the top of
a walnut. Pick nuts with a
flatter bottom so it will
stand up. Cut a six-inch
piece of 18-gauge wire.
Wrap one end of the wire
twice around a wide marker,
and pinch the loops together.
Insert the other end into the
nut. Slip a photo or card
between the loops.
Harvest Vases-
Fill cylinder vases with nuts
and wheat. Roll coordinating
scrapbook paper into decorative
cuffs that slip inside the vase.
As the article says "Grab a sack
at the store and go a little nuts."
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, October 1, 2012
Fall Yummy Fun
Here are some fun ideas to
do with M&M's.
Mix M&M's Peanut and Carmel
Mix M&M's Dark Chocolate
and Mandarin Orange Slices.
Mix Mini-Marshmallows
with M&M's Milk Chocolate.
These would be great for Fall
parties or Halloween goodie
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