Top Five Thanksgiving Traditions:
1--Turkey and the trimmings--The centerpiece of most
Thanksgiving feasts is the "big bird." My favorite part of
the feasting is the MASHED POTATOES as most of you
know. What's yours?????
2--Football-The first intercollegiate championship
game played in 1876.
The Detriot Lions played their first Thanksgiving
game in 1934.
The Dallas Cowboys played their first Thanksgiving
game in 1966.
3--The Big Parade--The first Thanksgiving parade
was organized by Gimbel's Department Store in
The New York Macy's Parade began in 1924. Today
it is seen by over 46 million people on TV or in person.
What is your favorite balloon in the parade?
4--The wish from the wishbone--It is said that
whoever ends up holding the larger piece of the bone
will have their wish come true. The Roman's brought
this tradition with them when they conquered England
and the English colonists carried the tradition to America.
5--Thanksgiving is most commonly celebrated at home
with family and friends. It is also the time to give
thanks for the people around us and the blessings of
the past year. What are you thankful for?

Here in Kansas City THE biggest tradition is the PLAZA
LIGHTING CEREMONY. That is when everybody and their
brother gather on the KC Plaza and wait for the switch to be
flipped. The main stage hosts a variety of schools, entertainers
and guests. A local celeb and children from the audience do
a countdown and the lights fill the Plaza. It is a beautiful site
to see!!! As you can see by the picture above.
~Keep on Dreaming~