Happy Hump Day! Back to School is just around the corner for most of us. Unbelievable I know!! Today I have some different uses for some of those supplies we used in school and still use today. Rubber Bands 1. Tight jar lid? Slip a rubber band around the edge of it for extra grip. 2. Painting? Secure a rubber band across the opening of a paint can, use it to scrape excess paint off your brush. 3. Doing your nails? French Manicure? Slip a rubber band on your pam from pinkie to thumb. Slip a finger under the band so that the nail tip is exposed then paint that part of the nail.
Remember those pink erasers? 1. Let me preface this one by saying...not too sure. Need an earing back in a pinch? Well pop the eraser off a pencil and slip it on your earring. 2. Silver need polishing? Rub an eraser on the surface to remove any tarnish. 3. Shoes or boots have scuff marks on them? * Might test on an unseen spot first. Gently rub the eraser over the surface. Wipe off.
This little item is NOT just for keeping papers organized. Oh no! 1. Do have a clogged brush? Go find a paper clip, open it up and use the loop to get that hair out of your brush. 2. Has the mail arrived? Instead of ripping open the envelope, unbend the clip, slide along the top--no more ripped envelopes. 3. Humidity got your S and P shakers? Open up a clip and poke it through the clogged holes on your shakers. So now you have some new ideas for those "school" supplies. ~Keep on Dreaming~
It is a big day here at Country Dreaming! 10 years ago today I wrote my first blog post!!
It is hard to believe I have been blogging for 10 years. At that time Mr. Ken was unemployed and having a tough time finding a job and I was home for the summer. It was tough to say the least. My friend Nancy who at that time was blogging over at Acorn Cottage, suggested I start a blog. To say that starting my little blog saved me would be an understate- ment. It gave me something to focus on beside helping Mr. Ken find another job. Back then blog- ging was going full force and there were lot's of readers and commenters, today not so much as social media has taken front and center. Many times I have thought , well is time to stop blogging and I say "Oh heck NO!" I truly enjoy blogging when I have something to post about. Plus I like having a way to document our adventures. My blog will never be one that tons flock to but that is ok. I am thankful to those of you who pop by and say hi. There may come a time when it is time to close the gate and move on but for now I will be around to keep you updated on our adventures. I do want to say THANK YOU to Karen Shug Kerin Robin Joy Carol Pam Carrie I am always happy to see that you have popped in to see what is going on at Dreaming. Come back soon, who knows what we might be up too. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Yes, you read my title right. The whole world is celebrating it. Today is PRIME day at the good ol' Amazon. Big deals abound. If you buy ahead of time for Christmas, I guess this works well for you. Not ready to really think about shopping for Christmas yet. So let's talk about the fun of the holiday--favorite things about the big day. Favorite songs? Traditional carols-- especially" Silent Night" "I want a Hippo for Christmas" I wait with big anticipation for my radio station to begin playing Christ- mas music, love hearing it on the way to school. Traditions--- Tree decorating-- we have gone from a large tree to a pencil tree, some years I do a theme tree (small one) and then I have a small microfiber tree that was my mom's that we put up. No more than that! I just can't do a bazillion trees. Fun-- There are certain places that we go each year. Union Station, the Magic Tree, The Country Club Plaza to see the lights and many more. Hallmark movies! They are on now if you enjoy them. Foods-- Usually we have ham or brisket on Christmas day with all the fixings. Christmas cookies and fudge. Family-- Our family members are here and there, sometimes we can gather and sometimes not. We were married in December so our anniversary has become part of our Christmas celebration. This year we celebrate 20 years! WOW! What are some fun things you do at Christmas? Are you a shop ahead person? What kinds of yummies do you have at Christmas time? ~Keep on Dreaming~
Popping in with a short post (maybe). :) Pizza is one of my most favorite foods. I really think it should have it's own food group. Ha! As I was checking out Pinterest the other day, I ran into a Two Ingredient Pizza Dough recipe. Now I am not much into making it at home but I could do this recipe very easily. It is from Weight Watchers. Two Ingredient Pizza Dough 1 C Non fat plain Greek Yogurt 1 C Self Rising Flour Extra for hands and/or your work surface. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine both ingredients in a mixing bowl, blend until ingredients combined. ** if your dough is sticky, sprinkle flour onto dough until it feels solid and easy to separate. Continue to knead the dough for 2-4 minutes. Flour your work surface and divide the dough into 4 equal parts then form into 7" circles. Top with your fave toppings. *1/2 C of sauce should be enough for the 4 pieces. Less is best in order to prevent a soggy crust. I checked another site and they put their pizza on parchment paper. You may want a higher temp depending on how crisp you like your crust. If you don't want to use your dough right away, put in the fridge on a plate then cover with plastic wrap. To make your own self rising flour, combine 1 1/2 C ALL PURPOSE FLOUR, 1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder and 3/4 tsp Salt. Enjoy! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Friday and the day after the 4th. Hope everyone's holiday was fun! Today we are talking BUTTER, yes we are. No I have not lost it. ; ) Butter can be used in a lot of ways: 1. Calming your cat-- When visitors are coming put a bit of butter on their paws to keep them occupied while getting used to visitors. 2. Helping to make meds go down-- Trouble swallowing your meds? Rub your pills with light coating of butter, before taking them. 3. Bubble troubles-- Did you blow a big bubble? Got it in your hair? Massage butter into the darn wad to slide it easily from your hair, I guess it beats cutting the wad out of your hair. 4. Everyone knows this one... Stuck ring on your finger? Massage the finger with butter so it slides off your finger. Just don't do it over your garbage disposal! 5. Most know this one too... To prevent sticky fingers, slather a thin layer over your hands when mixing cookie batter or making Rice Krispie treats, Messy but helpful. Did you know? It was a common practice in 16th century England to give newlyweds butter? It was considered a symbol of wealth and fertility. Hum... ~Keep on Dreaming~
It is July 4th week. Today I have some cute and easy decorating ideas for your 4th parties.
Gather some Mason Jars for these ideas: 1. Place small flags in jars and scatter around your house, place them on your party tables too. You can also add red, white and blue flowers to your jars. 2. Tuck party garland in jars and add plastic ware to each jar for your food table. 3. Gather limbs from your yard, and red, white, and blue spray paint. Spray limbs with each color and tuck into three separate jars. Add these to your rustic holiday décor. Gather Bandanas for these fun ideas: 1. Pick up red, white and blue band- anas, place flatware in the bandana, wrap and tie with jute twine or colored ribbon. Put these in a basket for guest use. 2. Make a table cloth or runner from several bandanas. Amount depend on how large you want these. 3. Make a Rag Ribbon Garland by tearing or cutting your bandanas into strips and looping over jute twine. There you go, simple decorating ideas for the upcoming holiday. **Pictures are from a neighboring city. We love flag displays. ~Keep on Dreaming~