Hello! Don't forget, tomorrow begins the A-Z blog challenge. I will be writing about "Foods Around the World" Countries Foods known Recipes--maybe A lot of fun. Come by each day, no challenge posts on Sundays but there might be random posts who knows. See you tomorrow! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Saturday to All! If today would have been the last day of the month, I would say it is ending as it came in. Like a lion. We had snow on the first day of March and we woke up to snow flurries today! I am watching our Royals baseball on T.V. and everyone is bundled up like they are at a football game. Such weird weather we have had.
Hopefully tomorrow will be more lambish, with sun and warmer temps. We shall see. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Spring Eve! Just popping in to let you know that I will once again be participating in the A to Z Blog Challenge. Beginning April 1st and continuing through the month. No posts on Sundays with the challenge. My theme this year is "Foods around the World." Each letter will match a country. Please join me in April as we learn together. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Well, St. Patrick's Day is around the corner so I thought we'd have a little fun. Here are some St. Pat's jokes. Enjoy! No cheating...answers below :) Why did the Leprechaun climb over the Rainbow? How do you spot a jealous Leprechaun? What do you call a big Irish spider? Why do Leprechauns hate running? Why are so many Leprechauns florists? What happens when you cross poison ivy with a four leaf clover? How is a good friend like a four leaf clover? *********************************** To get to the other side! He/she is green with envy! Paddy long legs! They'd rather jig than jog! They have green thumbs! You get a rash of good luck! They are hard to find! How did you do? Irish blessing: May your blessing outnumber the shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you wherever you go. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello All! Yes, this is how I am feeling. Spring Break has arrived!! Looking forward to time to do whatever I want whenever I want. I have some projects planned, books to read and the usual--laundry, groceries, etc. I won't lie, this has been my toughest school year yet. My students have been a challenge plus several others challenges have been around. Hopefully with time off things will go more smoothly when we get back. The weather will be mild this week and hopefully we will see some sun! I would love to open up the house and get some fresh air in here. Enjoy your week, be back soon. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy March! Ours will be coming in like a LION as we have ANOTHER Winter storm on our doorsteps for Saturday night into Sunday morning! Oh boy. Well let's get back to March shall we? I think most of relate March to Spring and "Spring cleaning." If you are up on trends recently you know that tidying and decluttering are what you should be doing in you life and home. A lot of people I know are following a gal named Marie Kondo. I believe her key statement if "finding spark in your things." My version of her statement. I find her to be a declutter fireball. March's Country Living Magazine had a great article on organization that I found more helpful because truthfully most of our things are "sparkly" to me. Their article goes from kitchen to craft- room suggestion way to organize the items in each of these spaces. In each of the spaces the start out with a three tired galvanized stand. Kitchen: Their stand holds breakfast and tea items. They also suggest using: A wooden beverage crate for spices. Enamelware roasting pans for cook- books, crocks and jars. Bathroom: The stand holds those items you have on your countertop--beauty supplies, tooth- paste and toothbrush, vitamins etc. All in cute little containers. One thing they suggested is to go through your make-up and toss the items that are expired or well used. The Mudroom: In this space the stand holds all those things we toss. Keys, change, candy and sunglasses. Don't forget the pups in your life. They put a small crock with dog treats with the leash next to it there to. Some of the other things in the stand were a small calendar, notecards with a muffin tin holding stamps. More suggestions: Open mail when you pick it up. Recycle what you can throw away other stuff and put away what you are keeping. Corral all magazines etc in containers of your choice. When I finish with mine I take them to school and put them in our staff lounge. The Craftroom: So many uses for the stand in this space. Ribbon spools, markers, pens, pencils and scissors. Glue, paints, stamps and Wasi tape. Fabric, pin cushion, tape measure are some of their suggestions. Crocks can be used for a lot of things. Picnic baskets can hold specific projects or as they suggest and I actually do this one put your yarn , needles other supplies in one. Plus they are transportable. As always when tidying or decluttering donate as much as you can. Thrift stores are great but think outside of the box. Check with the schools, churches, scout troops women's groups/shelters, community centers to see what their needs may be. Happy tidying! ~Keep on Dreaming~