Good evening! Much to my disappointment all the pictures I loaded for this post would not load!! But this one would go figure. This was taken on my way to work. It is raining and the sun is trying to pop out. Kinda funny I thought. We had rain most of the day and the sun did pop out this afternoon. So back to the plan for this post. I was going to finish telling you about our Lindsborg trip. Maybe next Wednesday I can get those pics to load, it is so frustrating when you get your pics chosen and then you can't get them to load!! What's been going on here---well Mr. Ken and I are back feeling pretty good minus allergies for me. Both of us are crazy busy at work. K with computers and me with kids. Playing catch up around the house, when both of us are sick a lot of things get put off. Fall decorating will take place this weekend maybe adding a bit of Halloween thrown in there too instead of separating them. Got two big Mums last weekend that need to be planted and I have two mini ones also. Pumpkins are next for outdoors. Put up the Fall flags yesterday. DVR'd two shows last night and I might have more as the week goes on. Can't wait for Thursday... Will and Grace are coming back!!! This is where we are at. How about you? ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello!!! I have a couple of questions for you. Where has this week gone? Monday came and went before I realized that I did not post on Mon- day. Where has this month gone? Seems like forever ago since school started. I can't keep up! Update on the illnesses. On top of what we had been dealing with, both of us ended up with the stomach flu!! No idea how that happened, we kinda stay away frome each other when we are sick. When it rains it pours. We are over that now and hopefully we are finished with being sick! Now back to catching up on all the stuff we are behind on from home.
A little birdie told me that we are supposed to have a seasonal change come Friday. Mother Nature must have missed that memo. It has been so HOT and humid this week, it will not seem like Fall here for several days. Very tired of being HOT, so ready for cooler temps and cool weather clothes. What is up with everyone else?? I'll be back tomorrow to see everyone. See you Monday and hopefully I won't forget to post. :) ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello All! I must apologize for being so far behind. We have been under the weather off and on for a couple of weeks and let me tell you, I am tired of it!! Mine is mostly allergies but Mr. Ken has had sinus infection from you know where and then he had a bad reaction to his antibiotic. when it rains it pours.
Let's move on to more fun things. For our last day trip of vacation we went to a little town that is touted as "Little Sweden." Lindsborg, Kansas.
Lindsborg is small town living but boasts a "walkable and welcoming" place to live and or visit. At the last census 3,500 people made Lindsborg there home.
Valkommen--means "Welcome" in Swedish.
Art along Main Street.
Descriptive sign for the art above.
More art on Main St. I see I forgot it's sign. This is St Lucia. Celebrating the Festival of Lights. A Swedish celebration on December 13th.
Heading down Main Street.
One of the Bed and Breakfast Homes. Very colorful.
Visitor's can rent bicycles to ride through town. (click on the pick and you will see it better)
Stopped here for lunch. Great food!
This was on the menu.
My cute lunch date.
Stopped at Trollslanda Toy Store. It means "dragonfly " in Swedish. After spending 15 years in Denmark, the owner brought the feel of a Scandin- avian toy store to Lindsborg. I could not resist this picture!
Welcome to Bethany Lutheran Church. Erected in 1880.
This lovely table is in the entry.
Beautiful organ. Can only imagine what this sounds like during a service.
These are replicas of the first minister and church building. The first church building was built outside of town on August 18, 1869. It was so fun to find these on the current church grounds. I love old churches but this one touches my heart because I was raised Lutheran.
Our last stop today is the Lutheran college, Bethany college.
A peek on campus. Next week we will finish this tour. Thanks for your patience with my slow posts. I will get caught up soon! See you Monday!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good evening, after several tries and many pictures later we have a post. Not the initial post I wanted but sometimes you have to punt and go with something else. Fast forward to this past weekend, we took our annual trip to Grinter Sunflower Farm.
This is the original field, it is located south of the bigger field that we went through. For a dollar visitors can cut their own flowers to take home. There are 40 acres of sunflowers! Farmer Ted started planting on July 9th and they were ready for viewing at the end of August. It is so much fun wandering through the flowers, some are taller than I am and some are still blooming! See you Monday! Wednesday hopefully we can get back to vacation post (s). ~Keep on Dreaming~