Happy Wednesday! We started out the week with a beautiful Memorial Day. These pictures are from a display near our house.
We took a road trip to Lexington, Mo on Monday. Tried our hands at straw- berry pickn'.
Gorgeous fields to pick in.
Came home with a flat of beautiful strawberries. We also enjoyed Strawberry Slushies and Strawberry Chocolate Fudge! It was a fun day! While in Lexington we toodled around the Lexington Battlefield. If you are on Facebook there will be a post later today with pics. My break so far is going smoothly with a mix of catching up on things around the house and some R and R. When it stops raining long enough I will get some pics of my pretty flowers to show you. June promises to be a busy busy month. **Reminder-- Misc. Monday will begin next Monday. I didn't want to start a Misc post on an important holiday. Hope you are doing well! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Today we remember and honor the brave men and women who have served and who are serving today to keep us safe. THANK YOU!!! ~~~~~~~~~~ Misc. Monday will begin next Monday. Have a great day! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Well, it is Wednesday and we know what that means...it is Catch Up day. First off--Summer vacay began yesterday!! But you would not know it with the cool temps we have had the last two days. Alert--This post is a bit long. Thanks ahead of time.
Our rose bush has put on a beautiful show this spring.
As some of you know Mr. Ken and I went to the Garth Brooks World Tour with Trisha Yearwood concert.
Heading in to the Sprint Center.
Not used to the beard.
Supporting the Royals on this evening. He put on an AWESOME show and we found out later that he had a bad head cold but let me tell you that did not stop him. If it would have been me, they would have had to carry me off stage. :)
Ms. Yearwood came out for several songs. Very nice lady for sure.
We were there with a couple of others.
The drummer played in this. It lit up, spun around, could be elevated and during one song Garth climbed up on it! Such a fun evening--worth every penny!!
The last couple of days we spent some of our time playing with BIG bubbles.
Last Saturday we got up early and drove to Oklahoma City with my Father-in-Law and his lady friend.
We went down there to celebrate with this young man--our nephew and grand- son plus other family members. He was graduating from high school.
Here are some of the decorations my Sister-in-Law put together. Diploma Cookies made from the Pirouette Cookies from Pepperidge Farm.
A candy bar. YUM!!
The kitchen table centerpiece.
Mr. Graduate.
The official picture with the diploma. Which actually he will get this week.
A little crafting in between all this fun. For the concert, I wanted a flannel shirt, but I wanted mine to look more girly than they usually do. So I cut off the tail and added some pretty lace. It is a big shirt but I wanted it that was so I could were it as a jacket or tunic style-- buttoned up and flowy. You can it in the concert pic above. Stop by on Monday--yes Monday, I am starting a summer series called Misc. Monday. I will have craft projects, recipes, summer ideas and anything else that might pop in my head. Take Care!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello Everyone! I hope you are all doing great. In our catching up today-which I know should have been yesterday but wasn't we are going to revisit a topic from last week. I mentioned that I participated in the A-Z Blogging Challenge again this year and have done so for the last two or three years. My theme this year was Famous Women. I didn't have trouble finding 26 famous women to post about but trying to choose from the lists was hard! I didn't have an X or a Z but I did finish the challenge to my satisfaction. If you are interested in reading any of these post pop over to the April tab and you will find my challenge posts there. Some of the more inter- esting women to me were Helen Keller, Jacqueline Kennedy, Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, Temple Grandin to name a few. The format was a bit different this year. nest year I may or may not patrticipate depending on the format for next year's challenge.
We celebrated National Teacher Appreciation week and I made these for some of the gals I work directly with. I was quite pleased with these and I think the gals liked them too! Kinda quite around here at this point. But... We have several things coming up and I have a couple of projects in the works which I will post about at a later date once they are finished. The MOST exciting thing coming up is the LAST DAY of SCHOOL. We have 5 1/2 days left this year. Since we didn't have any snow days we get out early this year! Saturday we are going to the Garth Brooks and Tricia Yearwood concert! So looking forward to going!! Well, that about covers everything for now. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! We resume our regular programming today! As most of you know I spent the month of April participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. My theme this year was Famous Women. If you missed it just scroll backwards from this post and you can catch up on that . Believe me it was a challenge!
Early in April we hopped on down to the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City and looked at the Bunnies. We do this every year but our tag team was missing this year so Mr. Ken and I went on our own.
Pretty flowers along our way.
Some of the bunnies were decked out in KC Royals gear. Such fun!
These tulips fascinated me so much!
Mr. is decked out here with his jersey and fancy hat.
More pretties.
Trying really hard to support our boys in blue. They are having a tough time right now but they won last night!
One project complete for now!! I found this on the side of the street at a neighbor's house. I brought it home and it has been in our garage since. We finally had some time to haul it upstairs to our landing behind our front door.
I wanted it to corral all of our winter scarves, gloves and mittens. Because I have a ton! I used the photo boxes that you see at Michael's and JoAnn's to hold them. I need a couple of more though.
Covered the top with scrapbook paper to pretty it up a bit. Still "shopping the house" for things to dress up the top. Above it on the wall, I have pegboard that I need to incorporate with the cabinet.
Easter dinner was a quite affair for Mr. Ken and I, the majority of the family were busy with their own activities.
Toward the end of April, Mr. Ken and I joined own family in this beautiful old church for the wedding of our niece. Very low key affair but nice.
The newly married couple.
A very beautiful cake.
Happy Aunt and a happy bride! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides ALL those fun things, we have had weird weather like the rest of you, Mr. Ken is busy at work ie: LOTS going on, he is feeling good, early next week he goes in for a scan to see how he is doing. School is almost OVER and I cannot wait!! It has not been a bad year but the last couple of months have been LONG! That's about it here, for now. I hope everyone is doing fine. ~Keep on Dreaming~