Hello~ We had a staff silent auction at school today and I made Easter buckets. One for a boy and one for a girl. There were lost of fun things in each bucket.
Here they are all dolled up. Of course, after the picture was taken I put little "To and From" cards on each one. A pink one on the girl bucket and a blue one on the boy bucket. When I left school, the boy bucket had one bid and the girl bucket had one bid and a counter bid. We see what the outcome was tomorrow, bidding was open until 3:30. Fun times. I will find out if I had the winning bid on the "Office basket" that I and one of the girls I work with directly were bidding on.
I will be joining the fun at A to Z Blogging for their annual blogging challenge. It begins April 1st and runs through the end of the month. There will be three days without posts. The 2nd, 9th and 16th. My theme will be Famous Women. So stop by frequently in the month of April. You never know what you might find out!! Wednesday Write Up will resume in May. Hope everyone is doing well. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello everyone! I hope your Spring has gotten off to a great start. The violets have popped out in our yard. They always remind me of my Mom. She always got such a kick seeing them peek out of the grass when Spring arrived.
This is our neighbor's tree, so pretty!
The Maple in our back yard is going to drop those lovely "helicopter" pods soon.
One of the tree in another neighbor's yard. I meant to get a pic of our Forsythias but did not, they are so pretty with their yellow blooms but I don't think that is going to last long because I noticed some green popping out this afternoon when I came home. Spring break did not last long enough! :) I did get some stuff accomplished though plus I had lunch with a friend and did lots of reading. It has been tough getting back into the routine this week but two more days and we'll have a weekend. Our weather has been sooooo weird . We went from the 80's over the weekend and air conditioning to 50's today and heat during the nighttime. We need some rain badly too. I was hoping to post some pics of projects that I had planned to do but was not able to do the projects. They involved spray adhesive and it was too windy this past weekend to do them. Once I get them finished I will post them. I hope everyone is well. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! I am back and feeling sooooo much better! It is Spring Break week and I have been getting a lot done. Lots of things are behind so I have been hitting the floor running. Of course not everything will get done but we have weekends to work on stuff. How is your spring cleaning coming?
Don't forget to wear your GREEN on Friday. Watch out for the Leprechauns!! Better get some rest, tomorrow will be another busy day! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy International Women's Day! There is so much going on all around us and since today was your day, I hope you were able to celebrate YOU! I hope this is the last update on this dang illness that we have had. We are sooo close to being well again. Just a few more days and I think we will have beaten it. Thanks for your patience with this. My Spring Break is coming up next week and I am planning to get A LOT done--hopefully. I will just be glad to get away from school for a week and get some rest! Mr.Ken is doing well. He saw the Dr today and she gave him good report! We had major weather in the KC metro area on Monday night. We did not have any damage but neighboring cities did. Very scary weather for March. The kicker here is that we are supposed to have snow on Saturday! Go figure. Don't forget to set your clocks forward on Saturday night. Anyone into March Madness?? We watch a little but not big fans. We are waiting for BASEBALL!!! That is pretty much where we are at. Hope all is well with everyone. ~Keep on Dreaming~
March has arrived. Unbelievable! Hope everyone is doing well. January was rough and February ended with Mr. Ken and I both being sicker than dogs! Mr. Ken had the B flu and I had a bad cold with some respiratory back up. I do think we are on the mend, it is just so slow though! If you get this stuff RUN do not walk to you DR!!!
Happy Weekend! Do something fun!! ~Keep on Dreaming~